Contacts: Licia Florio (NORDUnet) and GÉANT

Starts: M1 - Ends: M5

This WP will bootstrap the communication and exploitation activities of the project by delivering a new website for the project, the AARC community and AEGIS along with the guidelines for the development and execution of the communication exploitation plans. As the WP will last for only 5 months (hence results will not be mature enough), the dissemination aspects are not addressed here. The output of this WP will form the base for WP7, where dissemination and exploitation plans will be further elaborated and executed.


Task 6.1 AARC Branding and Online Presence (M1-M5)

The project builds on the results of the continuous work of the AARC community and AEGIS during the last four years. During the years, the initial AARC website has grown significantly and today it is the home of the outputs of the previous two projects, the latest version of the AARC Blueprint Architecture and its accompanying guidelines, the AARC policy development kit, information about the AARC community and AEGIS. The logo and the website already show their age and the overall user experience does not meet modern standards.

This task will redesign the AARC online presence with a focus on improving the accessibility and discoverability of the AARC artefacts, further strengthening and promoting the AARC brand with a new modern logo and design guidelines. The new website will provide the platform to support the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities of the project. The task will liaise with the AARC community at large and AEGIS to capture requirements for the new online presence of AARC. The new AARC website will be the home of the AARC community and AEGIS for the years following this project.

Task 6.2 Communication and exploitation guidelines

This task will provide the goals and guidelines for the communication and exploitation plans that will be developed and implemented in WP7. As part of this work, NORDUNET and GÉANT will liaise with the AARC community at large and AEGIS to capture requirements and gaps that may have already been identified.

This task will be also responsible for revamping the online presence of AARC in the social media space, taking into account the new platforms that have emerged and will start promoting AARC TREE objectives.

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