1.Contacts data  
1.1Tech contact A contact for technical issues. Preferably a functional account, not a personal account. This information will not be shared with users
 Name(tick)The name of the user or account
 Email(tick)The email address of the account, preferably a functional email, not a personal account. No mailto: adresses allowed
1.2Admin contact A contact for administrative/legal/financial issues. Preferably a functional account, not a personal account. This information will not be shared with users
 Name(tick)The name of the user or account
 Email(tick)The email address of the account, preferably a functional email, not a personal account. No mailto: adresses allowed
1.3Support Contact 

A contact for end-user support. Preferably a functional account, not a personal account.

The InAcademia Support team will redirect any end-user support questions we get for your service to this address and may provide these data to endusers

 Name(tick)The name of the user or account
 Email(tick)The email address of the account, preferably a functional email, not a personal account. No mailto: adresses allowed
2.Technical data  
2.1Oauth key(tick)(will be provided by upon registration)

Format: domain part of FQDN + 5 random characters, separated by a underscore

    Example: surfnet.nl_fks73

    The key is unique, which must be tested as part of the registration


2.2ServiceID(tick)Used for basic AuthN: the same value as the OAuth key

Used for basic AuthN: (will be provided by upon registration)

    Format:  a 20 character string (120 Bits). Allowed characters: Upper and lower letters, numbers, minus, underline (e.g.: Z8-zvYUj4pCk7A1grTye)

2.3Domain ownership(tick)

Prove of domain ownership by means of either:

    - a URL at the domain

    - a TXT record in DNS

    See screenshot REEP below
Note: When looking at the DNS records DO NOT use local DNS, as it may take a long time for TXT records to become available locally. Use the authoritative nameservers for the domain.

2.4Callback url(tick)One or more callback URLs. The URL must be https and must be on the domain owned by the RP as per 2.3 (5 or 10)
2.5Requested Scopes(tick)List the available Scopes and allow an RP to request them (radio buttons)
2.6Requested Claims(tick)List the available Claims and allow an RP to request them (radio buttons)
3.Administrative data  
3.1Client Name (en)(tick)A descriptive name of the client application in English
3.2Client Name (local language)ToDoOne or more descriptive names of the client application in local languages (optional)
3.3Client description (en) A description of the service being offered in English (optional)
3.3Client description (local language)ToDoOne or more descriptions of the client application in local languages (optional)
3.4Client Logo URL The URL of the logo of the client application (optional)
3.5Client URL The URL of the client application (optional) The URL may be https and must be on the domain owned by the RP as per 2.3
3.6Client EULA A URL pointing to the EULA of the service in English (optional)
3.7Client Privacy Policy (en)(tick)A URL pointing to the privacy policy of the service in English


REEP domain ownership validation:

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