








  • Brief Intro’s
  • Task force Core values review
  • Vision for task force
  • Discussion on Strategy for achieving vision
  • Follow up actions from TNC TF-RED meeting  
  • Organise theme/topics for discussion next TF-RED all hands meeting
  • Preliminary look at dates and location for next TF-RED meeting.
  • AOB


Intros: Myself, Olga and Meoli introduced each other

Values, Vision and Strategy:

Chris introduced vision and values doc:

Suggested two pronged attack to re-vitalising the task force:

  • White paper for setting up a research engagement function
  • Training for business development which will take place at face to face meetings

The idea behind the white paper would be for the steering committee to define the structure and then ask the members of the wider task-force to contribute to the sections.  It may well be that the steering committee members do a lot of the  writing but it should not be on one person to produce this.  We will likely use google docs to produce the white paper.  The content and structure will evolve over time.  It should however, focus on the core reason for having a research engagement function and the core activities for this function.  Ways of funding and differing contexts should be mentioned but not necessarily elaborated on.

For the training course, the steering committee will work with GLAD to define course content.  This would then lead (hopefully) to an accreditation system of some sort.  We could then build this up into a train the trainer approach and then each continent could start hosting their own local TF-RED training, to expand the reach of our community.

Eventually we will need to discuss the sharing of opportunities across NRENs and research infrastructures.  This could be in the form of a federated CRM system.  However, this is a long term vision which we could work towards.

Chris believes that we should focus first on the white paper and training to build up the task force.

Deadline for additions and comments on the vision and values document would be 7th of February (Friday of the GÉANT Symposium Week).  Chris would like to present the completed vision and values doc at the all hands VC.

Follow-up actions from TNC:

The majority of the content from the mentimeter survey highlighted a desire for understanding how to do research engagement, how other people are doing research engagement, how to communicate and reach researchers and how to bridge the different levels of knowledge.  The steering committee hopes that the new format of the face to face meetings (training course, workshop/discussion/presentation from other TF and SIGs, community building/social aspect) will address these points.

The ideas safari produced requirements such as materials that can be shared, help in forming technology focused research communities (such as FIM4R), how to better share information about contacts between teams and departments, training material and a train the trainer approach, questions about how best to engage with users and where.  Again, the training aspect of the TF should cover these points and the steering committee will work with GLAD to develop the right kind of content.  Plus, the white paper will tackle a lot of the how and where   research engagement should focus.

Next all hands meeting would be in March.  This will be a VC.  Chris/Juraj will send a doodle poll for a date in March for the VC.

The first face to face meeting will be during TNC week in Brighton.  We will be able to choose our own venue and timings for the event.  It was agreed that we would settle on the date and timings for the TF-RED TNC meeting at the next steering committee meeting.

The Next steering committee meeting will be in January during the 3rd or 4th week.  Chris/Juraj will circulate a doodle poll.


Carina sent an email to mention she will be bringing the EResearch manager for one of the largest universities in Australia to TNC so we can get him to talk to the TF-RED group about what his university is doing and challenges for the international NREN community to help with. This is great news and we will discuss this further at the next steering committee VC in Jan.

Carina also mentioned in her email that at the NREN CEO forum they have discussed forming a working group of research engagement. That TF-RED could be a part of. Chris will follow up with Carina on how to be part of this.


Chris to follow up with Carina regarding TF-RED involvement in CEO forum

All to provide input into the values, vision and strategy document by Feb 7th.

All to provide available dates for TF-RED all hands meeting in March as soon as possible

All to provide available dates for next steering committee meeting in Jan

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