"I'm not getting the attributes I need".

Is this:

  • I need IdPs to give me more information that they have. (=Entity Categories)
  • I need information IdPs don't have. (=Attribute Authorities)
  • I need more effective and detailed management about my customers / virtual organisation members.   (CoManage / Grouper / better SP management) or UMA?

CoManage as a service a possible solution?

UMA  = a more sophisticated version of setting 'friend', 'friend of friend', 'public' on Facebook.  This might BETTER fit with the requirements being expressed by people at the FIM4R meetings or GEANT project where it is often the individual user saying here is a list of rules who can access my piece of research / data / rough draft. 

UMA video sent by Eve: http://t.co/OJVMtvfxZV.  

What more do we need to do in the group space?  Where institutions have picked up Grouper they have done lots of interesting stuff with it, but it is difficult to make the leap / make institutions prioritise this kind of behaviour.


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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    I think the first of your bullets is actually "I need IdPs to give me more information than they are willing to release"?

    And there could be several reasons for that, including:

    • they don't think the benefit justifies the risk (Entity categories may help)
    • I am asking for excessive attributes (the SP needs to reduce their demands)
    • they don't know how to configure their IdP to release just those to just me (in which case cookbooks might help)

    I'd really like to know which of those (or something else) is actually the most common problem, so we could concentrate on finding and promoting a solution to it...
