TF-OpenSpace – Session 3, room 7.   16 October 2013. 

Lead by: Philippe Hanset

Attendees: Anders (Nilsson & Lördal), Brook, Chad, Paul, José-Manuel, Hideaki, Tom, Tomi.

Notes: Brook Schofield

Problem: Label for RADIUS vendors - Evaluation and Requirement Design

RADIUS IdPs don't always work in a consistent way and having a specification (think saml2int for RADIUS) would improve interoperability and allow institutions to select vendors that "play nicely" with the infrastructure.

If an institution want to "join eduroam" how do they know their supplier/vendor offers a solution that works. Out of the box working rather than significant configuration changes.

Evaluation Process

  • Performed by the Community?
  • Part of the Taskforce?
  • Appointed by TERENA?

 What about generic vendor certification (APs, other hardware, RADIUS server)?

Vendors will they pay? They won't want to pay for "poor" ratings.

Suggested process like Kantara Interop where there is a "free" slot offered (accepted by simpleSAMLphp/UNINETT). 

Paul directed people to the "Greenpeace IT waste" site as an example of showing people on a spectrum.

Requirement Design

Many competing ideas of what's required to be supported.

<<insert Paul's list here>>

Take this discussion "online".


[ACTION] Create a mailing list that is closed to FLR operators and continue the discussion.

[ACTION] Public output will be added to this wiki page.


  • No labels