2-day Cloud Workshop for NRENs

4-5 March 2020, Cyprus


University of Cyprus

Learning Resource Centre – “Stelios Ioannou”

1 Panepistimiou Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, Nicosia

Number of attendees: https://eventr.geant.org/events/3276

Public workshop information: https://clouds.geant.org/news/2-day-cloud-workshop-for-eastern-european-nren-cloud-managers/

Internal information for organising the workshop: https://geantclouds.sharepoint.com/sites/clouds/Service%20adoption/Forms/AllItems.aspx?viewid=07360d74%2Df3fe%2D49cb%2Db79f%2D06693ec9814e&id=%2Fsites%2Fclouds%2FService%20adoption%2FEvents%2C%20meetings%2FWorkshops%20trainings%20webinars%2FCloud%20Workshops%2F20200304%20Cyprus%202%2Dday%20workshop


  • Ask Google to give 5 min wrap-up of the day (4 March) to GÉANT (Kate) DONE!
  • Prepare timing and interactive discussions with 3 scenarios for cloud strategy (to find solutions in the groups  at the workshop) (Darko, Maria) DONE!
  • Confirm all coffee break and lunch times with Elena (Darko) - 4 March times were changed due to MS DONE!
  • Print out the list of participants to get signatures (Darko/Eva) DONE!
  • Confirm with speakers about timing - Slavko, Eva, Mary, Jiri (Darko) DONE!
  • Ask all T4 people to make notes (IF they aren't presenting or moderating a discussion) (Darko)
  • Confirm with Elena any needed material for the discussions (Darko) DONE!
  • Arrange dinner on 5 March 19:00 (Darko/Eva) DONE!
    • confirm NREN who will do the billing and claim the costs DONE!
    • book the restaurant DONE!
    • create MS Form to pre-confirm menus for the restaurant (incl allergies & intolerencies) DONE!
      • Forward allergies info also to the restaurant on 4tn 
      • Inform Daniel Bacelic from AWS about it
  • Create a feedback form on MS Forms (Darko, Eva) DONE!
  • Create a blog post on the cloud website under 'news' after the event (https://clouds.geant.org/news/) (Audrey/Karl)

Post workshop activities

  • Communication to participants advising of the location of the reference and support materials (Darko/Eva)
  • Ask for evaluation (Darko/Eva)
  • Location of support and reference materials (links) (Darko)
  • Upload the presentations, photos, material (Darko)

  • Clarify funding and claimability for the attendees for TNC20 training on 8 June 2020 (as the Cyprus has been done by Irina Mi) (Irina Ma)

Tasks DONE

  • Ask AWS to give 5 min for introduction to the day (5 March) (Darko) DONE!

4 March 2020

Start time 9:00

Finish time 17:00


What it is about?

What to include:

Who is delivering?

Resources required (i.e. any powerpoint slides, flipchart, etc)

Status (in progress, all preparations completed, not started yet)

09:00 – 10:00

GÉANT session: welcome & introduction (5 min)

Welcome & intro of the hosts

Aims of the workshop:

1) Introducing the clouds landscape

  • most popular commercial clouds solutions
  • general knowledge about clouds (strategy, security, decision making aspects)
  • positioning GÉANT & NRENs alongside commercial providers (with national & community clouds)

2) getting hands-on practical experience on

  • Public cloud solutions
  • Different cloud scenarios and decision processes


Household arrangements:

  • Breaks & lunches
  • Dinners (won't mention dinner later on, "we gather..., it's hosted by AWS...")


GÉANT session: Cloud portfolio (15 min)

1) Frameworks:

  • IaaS 2016
  • Videoconferencing infrastructure

2) Preferential Quotations

3) Future offer: OCRE

  • IaaS
  • SaaS
  • Earth Observation

GÉANT session: Tools (40 min)

Data classification and risk assessment (10 min, Slavko)

Current IaaS FW tools (30 min):

  • IaaS service matrix demo (5 min)
  • Button demo (10 min)
  • Chatbot demo (10 min)

Slavko, Eva, Darko, Mary

  • Darko/Eva
  • Darko
  • Eva
  • Mary


Microsoft session, part I

Denis Chiurtu (Microsoft)

11:00-11:15Coffee break
Elena Mina (CYNET)

11:15-12:30Microsoft session, part 2
Denis Chiurtu (Microsoft)



Elena Mina (CYNET)


Google session, part 1

Jim Levi (Google)

15:00-15:30Coffee break
Elena Mina (CYNET)

15:30-17:00Google session, part 2
Jim Levi (Google)


Summary of the day

Re-cap of what have taken place

10 min tour in the building

Possibility to order taxi back (for sharing) from Elena

Remind of agenda for tomorrow


20:00Social dinnerRestaurant Zanettos Tavern (Trikoupi 65, Nicosia)
Hosted by AWS

Day Two 5 March 2020

Start time: 9:00

Finish time: 17:00


What it is about?

What to include:

Who is delivering?

Status (in progress, all preparations completed, not started yet)

09:00 to 09:05

Welcome to day two

Re-cap of what took place on Day One.

Thank AWS for hosting the dinner!

Remind of the aims

Agenda for today

     Photo to be taken during the 1st coffee break

     Dinner at 20 p.m, gathering at the hotel lobby 19:25. Start walking latest 19:30.



AWS session, part 1


Daniel Bacelic

10:30-11:00Coffee break
Elena Mina (CYNET)
11:00-12:30AWS session, part 2



Elena Mina (CYNET)


GEANT session, part 1

(13:30-13:35) Intro, aims (5 min, Maria?)

(13:35-14:25) Cloud Computing as Integral Part of Future IT solutions (45 min+10 min for Qs)

(14:25-15:00) Cloud Strategy guide for Institutions (30-35 min)




15:00-15:30Coffee break
Elena Mina (CYNET)
15:30-16:55GÉANT session, part 2

(15:30-15:35) Intro of scenarios (5 min), what we want the groups to do

(15:35-16:45) 2 group discussions on scenarios (1h10 =2x 35 min)

(16:45-16:55) Results by both groups (10 min= 5 min + 5 min)





What we did (objectives, takeaways)

Ideas for future (what next)

Feedback from participants (on site + link to feedback form (Darko)



Consider on what way you would like to evaluate


Social dinner

Restaurant Paragadi (Niovis 3, Nicosia)

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