
This page explains how to register to the GN5-1 and GN5 IC1 projects that are using the GEANT AAI Service

Step 1:

You will receive an email invitation to register on the GÉANT AAI Service.

Step 2:

After clicking on the registration link, you will see the Discovery screen of the GÉANT AAI Service. Please choose your Home institution.

Step 3:

After you authenticate, you will see the GÉANT AAI Service Registration screen. Make sure that your name and email address are correct.

Note: If you have changed your institution's email, you will receive an email with a verification link, and continue to Step 4.

If you haven't changed it, then you don't need to verify your email. After you submit the form you will be successfully registered to the GÉANT AAI Service and you will receive a confirmation email. You can move to Step 6

Step 4:

After you change your email in the form, you will see the following screen.

After you submit the registration form, you will receive an email asking to verify your email address by clicking on a verification link.


Step 5:

After you click on the verification link, you will see the new email verification screen and you will receive a confirmation.

Step 6:

After filling in the registration form for the GÉANT AAI Service, you will see the registration form for the GN5-1 and GN5 IC1 projects membership.

Step 7:

After you submit the registration form, you will see the confirmation screen and receive the confirmation email.

You can close the browser.