


(copy your name to the appropriate category above)


  • get synced and issues resolved to keep us on track

Discussion items

  • AOB:
    • relevance of PUB-EAA as per the latest ARF? Might make it easier to issue trustworthy attestations by universities, if applicable to them. Anyone has more insights?
    • Swiss E-ID:
      • published their opensource development around the official Swiss wallet just before DICE
      • decided to stay compatible with the ARF and at the same time doing better regarding privacy with BBS+. Will increase complexity and probably cost but is said not to interfere with the timetable to go online with an E-ID in 2026.
    • (second-hand) DICE feedback:
      • There was substantial representation of governments (but more in listening mode than in sharing mode)
      • There will be a next DICE in Sept 25, with probably a smaller one already in Feb/March 25 to get started with the governmental sandbox environment promised for Spring 25

Upcoming events:

  • ...

Action items


Polling for a date for infoshare (probably September)

early Julyopen

Visualisation of Risk Assessment results

early Julyopen


  • Review existing services to identify opportunities and challenges to adopt the distributed technologies paradigm. Grab existing results as a start
  • Gather previous work done by the NRENs/universities on using SSI technologies, as well as other sectors. Crowd-source among ourselves


  1. Sorry I don't have permission to access Calendar (wink)

  2. the link on this page is not accessible for me but this works calendar

    1. Thanks, just updated the link in the notes to use your link.