The web user interface will consist of 2 text fields which allow input of two values, year and month. Also, there will be a button to trigger starting a new period. The year value should be in 4 digits and cannot be greater than current year (i.e. 2018). The month input can be in either a 1 digit format (i.e. 1) or a 2-digit format (i.e. 01), and it must be between 1 & 12. If either of the values is unexpected the code will throw an exception and will display an error message to the user (this will be a front-end development)

The current discussion for the front-end development is to default the year and month text fields to the current year and month.

Once the user clicks the "start new period" button; the code will do all the steps detailed here in the background.

Results can be viewed here

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