Working towards 'greener' networks, services, policy and practice

Environmental protection is increasingly at the focal point of public attention. Protecting the environment and "doing your bit" to make more efficient use of energy and help slow down global warming has become an expected activity of responsible organisations. Research and education network organisations are no exception. The GÉANT project is committed to promoting energy-saving and ecologically sound applications layered over the GÉANT infrastructure. A team known informally as the "GÉANT Green team" was established in 2008 with the objective to help NRENs work towards greener networks, services, policy and practice.

This is being achieved through a three-staged process:

  • Performing ISO standards-based audits of the green-house gas emissions of the participating NRENs 
  • Building a collection of best practices for NRENs to adopt to lessen their environmental impact
  • Formulate proposals and recommendations to encourage and guide the policies of NRENs and GÉANT in the pursuance of "greener" performance.
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