A study will be conducted in GN4 year 1 to investigate the viability of a multi domain NREN transit network to enable NREN to NREN traffic to be switched or routed across existing national networks. If viable a pilot will be developed to run in GN4 year 2 focusing on a pan European solution. The principle being that neighbouring NRENs will interconnect at layer 2 and or 3 and create a transit network to transport traffic effectively across multiple domains. For example GARR traffic destined for JANET would route across RENATERs network and DFN traffic to Portugal would route across RENATERs and RedIRIS’s networks to get to FCCN. This study would work in conjunction with JRA1&2 to investigate ways of integrating the GEANT and NREN domains to create a more cohesive operational and service domain. The use of SDN in this arrangement would need to be a serious consideration.




Milestone name


Expected (Month)


Means of verification


Multi-domain transit network study scoping

Scope, information gathering templates and NRENs communication plan developed for this study


1 Rob Evans

Internal Documents


Multi-domain transit network study

Information gathered from NRENs


1 Rob Evans

Internal Documents


Multi-domain transit network study

Information analysed


1 Rob Evans

Internal Documents


The above internal documents will provide input in to the EC deliverables D5.2 and D5.6 "Revision of GÉANT Network Evolution Plan".

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