Useful links

Installation Guide: Follow this link.

Documentation of features and configuration: Follow this link.

Development descriptions

Geant OpenNSA GIT repository

Web front end link:

Clone link:

The Geant repository contains two main branches "master" and "domainagg" which are the copy of same branches from the Nordunet's OpenNSA development repository and are kept in sync with the development in Nordunet. 

Other branches in Geant repo are development branches.

The development work flow is the following:

  • All new features should be developed in their own branch based on master !
  • When the feature will be in testing ready state, it should be done also with domain aggregate feature. Until domainagg will be merged into master, such testing has to be done by creating new branch based on domainagg and then merge the feature branch into it and make tests.
  • When new feature is tested. It should be sent upstream to Nordunet (to Henrik) for validation. When/If accepted, Henrik will merge it into the stock OpenNSA repo and then we can pull it from there to our local master (and domainagg, until merged into master).

Tracking the work in JIRA

Currently developed features and bug fixes are track using JIRA tickets here:

Development lab environment

ResourceWhere it is.AccessDescription/Notes
Junos SPACE10.0.20.3

Access credential can be found on this page protected page.
API at:
with same credentials.

Use this for any Junos SPACE testing. 
OpenNSA dev. VMs default and testing10.0.20.10

Only default, when providing clone to others ... change the password.

OpenNSA "E-Line" taas  ; password or restricted page 
OpenNSA dev for use with Junos SPACE10.0.20.17User: taas  ; password or restricted page
OpenNSA - Docker10.0.20.13User: taas  ; password or restricted pageFor Jan von Oorschot
OpenNSA - Ciena10.0.20.14User: taas  ; password or restricted pageFor Bjarke

Laboratory routers port allocation


Port rangePorposeNote
Ge-1/0/0-4GTS links and VPLS on Lab1.Compute0VPLS on ge-1/0/0
ge-1/0/5-10OpenNSA and CCS development
ge-1/0/11 - 1/1/0Pavle's testbed
xe-0/0/0link to lab2.mx80
xe-0/0/1-3GTS Corsa and BMS


Port rangePorposeNote
Ge-1/0/0-4GTS links and VPLS on Lab1.Compute0VPLS on ge-1/0/0
ge-1/0/5-10OpenNSA and CCS development
ge-1/0/11 - 1/1/0Pavle's testbed
xe-0/0/0link to lab2.mx80
xe-0/0/1-3GTS Corsa and BMS

Junos SPACE backend development

Junos SPACE backend is being developed for the use in GEANT production network. Currently the first naive prototype is being used and improvements are under the development. Assignee Jan Kundrát .

Development VM is listed in table above (at 

The setup is done as follows:

The aggragator is deployed at (network id: nsi.eline.test ) with two uPAs underneath.
The first uPA is at (network id: upa1.nsi.eline.test ), the second is being deployed and will be at (network id: upa2.nsi.eline.test ). Both uPAs are using junosspace backend and are configured against lab Junos SAPCE at ( using the user "super".

OpenNSA branch domainagg.

The uPA1 backend block of the configuration file.

Topology of uPA1:

uPA1 topology
ethernet port9 - vlan:10-100 1000 ge-1/0/9 -

ONSA cli tool config and ussage:

ONSA configuration


ONSA ussage
# For activate the link on the lab1 router (the crossconnect hairpinned on single interface in this example). 
onsa reserveprovision -v -p main -s upa1.nsi.eline.test:topology:port9#vlan=20 -d upa1.nsi.eline.test:topology:port9#vlan=21

#The activation will return the link ID which identifies the service. 
#For termination of the service use the following
onsa terminate -v -p main -c LINK_ID

OpenNSA Docker environment

Jan van Oorschot TODO: describe it here.... 








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