• using DANTE python27 rpm for python base environment (includes python virtualenv), residing in /opt/rh/pythin27, being possible to install in parallel to OS python2.6 without conflicts
  • using python27 virtualenv to create FoD private python package installation directory for all of FoD's python dependencies to install via pip, so no conflicts (e.g. overwrites) with any other python packages installed via any rpm
  • especially gunicorn and celeryd binaries (python wrapper scripts) are part of installed python dependencies in virtualenv directory
  • so both init scripts for gunicorn and celeryd have to be adapted to load appropriate environment of python27(/opt/rh/python27/enable) and virtualenv directory (currently /opt/fod/python-virtual/bin/activate) have to be sourced (in that order)  and to use the new guncorn/celeryd binary to be started
  • for FoD v1.5 a GEANT-specific rpm was created which includes all its files, residing in /srv/flowspy, based on the characteristics of a older rpm
  • of course in case of brand-new installation of FoD, also beanstalk and mysql have to be installed, regarding mysql appropriate db instance has to be created and configured in /srv/flowspy/flowspy/settings_local.py
  • in general, in /srv/flowspy/flowspy/settings_local.py any host-specific setting have to checked and adapted if needed
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