InfluxDB installation

  1. apt-get install influxdb && apt-get install influxdb-client
  2. Using influx create user (username:geant, password:geant)
  3. Create database test_geant

Grafana Installation

  1. Transfer grafana_4.5.0_amd64.deb and dpkg -i to install it
  2. Transfer /grafana_plugins
  3. Move content of /grafana_plugins into /var/lib/grafana/plugins and change ownership to grafana group and user
  4. Add data source influx using the aforementioned credentials and database

PVA installation

  1. Transfer folder /scripts and initiate the appropriate scripts
  2. Clone mrr from Bitbucket (the MC2MRR api)
  3. apt-get install python3-pip
  4. pip3 install hug
  5. pip3 install tinydb

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