
Day 1:

12:00 - Lunch/Meet & Greet

Add your suggestions for a name for the VO Platform service to a post-it board.

12:45 - Welcome, intro, background (AH)

13:00 - Overview of plans (20 mins per task - swap detailed material min 1 week before meeting)

15:00 Coffee

15:30 Discussion on plans

16:30  Links between Business dev and everyone! (45 mins)

    • Outreach & new users
    • CBAs
    • KPIs

17:15 eduGAIN Monitoring

17:45  Wrapup, close day 1 

19:00 Dinner

(reserved for 13 people).

Day 2:

08:30-09:00 Meet & greet, boarding pass, coffee

09:00-10:15 Transitions to service

  • Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support 
  • Designing OLAs for operations
  • Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk

10:15-10:30 Coffee

10:30-11:45 - 2x Topic in depth parallels:

  • Links between Daniela & Lukas's tasks
    •  Attributes
    • eduGAIN central tools and integration of T2 tools
  • Links between Daniela,  Lukas & Maarten's task
    • Assurance / 2nd factor/SIRTFI

11:45 - 12:30 Wrap-up from topics, vote on VOPaaS top choices, next steps

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch, close day 2.



  1. Ann H
  2. Justin Knight
  3. Lukas Hämmerle
  4. Nicole Harris
  5. Brook Schofield
  6. Marina Adomeit
  7. Daniela Pöhn
  8. Maarten Kremers
  9. Mario Reale
  10. Miro
  11. Alessandra
  12. Niels van Dijk
  13. Stefan Winter


Please add your suggestions for topics for the in depth parts here. We can have up to two topics per session.

On the day we can vote if we want to replace any of these with anything that comes up from the plan intros but it would be good to have a waiting list of at least 5 topics ready.

  • Links between Daniela & Lukas's tasks
    •  Attributes
    • eduGAIN central tools and integration of T2 tools
  • Links between Daniela,  Lukas & Maarten's task
    • Assurance / 2nd factor/SIRTFI
  •  Scheduled Links between Business dev and everyone!
    • Outreach & new users
    • CBAs
    • KPIs
  • Scheduled Transitions to service
    • Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support 
    • Designing OLAs for operations
    • Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk
  • Brainstorming for VOPaaS service name
  • Transitions from AARC?
  • Scheduled eduGAIN Monitoring 


Meeting will take place at SWITCH:

Train is the quickest way. A ticket from the airport to the centre also includes trams from the main station to Stauffacher (tram 3, 14) or it is a nice 10 min walk.

Hotel deals are available at Hotel City within 5 mins walk:

  • Single room  „Economy" with shower & WC CHF 155.00
  •  Single room „Business" with bath & WC CHF 197.00
  • Single room  „Superior" with bath & WC CHF 217.00
  • Double room Economy" with shower & WC CHF 255.00
  • Double room „Business" with bath & WC CHF 265.00 à
  • Double room  „Superior" with bath & WC CHF 380.00

All room prices include breakfast, wifi, VAT and service. They do not include a city tax of CHF2.50 per person per night.
Contact, cc

Alternatively use the usual search/booking sites. Some people have found nice Airbnb stuff around Badenerstrasse in the past.





  File Modified
PDF File Service transition process v 2.0.pdf Jul 13, 2016 by Marina Adomeit
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation kickoff2016.pptx Jul 11, 2016 by Ann Harding
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation jra3-t4-plan.pptx Jul 12, 2016 by Stefan Winter
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation JRA3-T2-Overview-TL-Meeting.pptx Jul 11, 2016 by Lukas Haemmerle
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation JRA3T1Zurich.pptx Jul 12, 2016 by Daniela Pöhn
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow jra3-sa2-zurich-2016-mm.ppt Jul 12, 2016 by Daniela Pöhn
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation GN42-JRA3-KickOff-Zurich-T3-TrustTech-v2.pptx Jul 12, 2016 by Maarten Kremers
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation GN42_SA2_JRA3 kick off_20161207.pptx Jul 13, 2016 by Marina Adomeit
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2016-07-12-13-JRA3-KickOff-Zurich-MREALE-GARR-v2.0.pptx Jul 12, 2016 by Daniela Pöhn





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