
The white paper should consist of:

  • A 10 page document which presents a set of proposals for activities to be undertaken in GN4-3;
  • An action template (either "Development" or "Operations and Support") for every activity proposed in the white paper, including BAU or activities already in production. Note each action template must include a budget estimate; 
  • A budget summary which is the sum-total of all the budgets in the action templates.

Core questions:

  • The WHY
  • The WHAT
    • Describe the work planned to reach the goal outlined in the “WHY”, the results, the planned benefits to identified user communities, budget savings targeted, better service (e.g. reliability, response time), better tools to ease the provision of service by partners. Identify critical success factors (CSF).  Phrase high level, not in terms of specific technology where possible
  • The HOW and WHEN
    • Give a person-months and Capex/Opex budget (see table).  Estimate – not max nor min
    • Identify major risks e.g. particular skillsets.
    • Suggest KPIs and targets to be reviewed (at least) once a year.
    • Give a simple roadmap with (at least yearly) very high level milestones:  which results will be available when?   Identify key dependencies on the results of other activities. (OPS, TFs, REFEDS etc.)


Sept. 12, 2017 October 16: Nov 30:

White paper editorial teams: write White Papers consolidating the information available from product managers, the user requirements gathering, the relevant SIGs and TFs, and guidance from GPPC.

Nov. 30, 2017:

First complete draft of White Papers is handed in to the PMO.

Dec. 1st to 15th Jan:

PMO, GPPC and Editorial teams:  finalise White papers before sending them out for Partner review.

Jan 15 to Feb 28, 2018:

NREN Partners:  White Paper review, giving feedback on the overall vision presented as well as on each of the activities proposed and their interest in the results planned and potentially contributing

1 Mar to 15 Apr 2018:           



GÉANT Project Office / White paper editorial teams: Assess the contents of the White Papers based on the NREN feedback and produce an Assessment skeleton guided by GPPC.


April-May 2018: Nominate Work Package Leaders, select the activities to be included in the GN4-3 proposal and refine the action templates to a level sufficient for incorporating the proposed activities in the final project proposal.


Guidance notes:

Operations and support action template:

Development action template:

Inputs to white papers besides those added to this wiki space:

Discussion at TechX convened by Klaas:

Proposal: „Developing an integrated harmonized incident management process for Geant services“

Symposium session "are we innovating enough":

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