We need continuous development and maintenance to meet user expectations and quality of the service.

Core vs supporting

maintain TLRS, influence, support, monitor, MUST/SHOULD NTLR (make sure essential standards are met) and below. Improve/enhance uptake and operations of features like RadSec, Dynamic Discovery and/or HS2.0
HotSpot2.0: assess usability, plan for adoption 
Assess alternative access networks icw eduroam

make service more secure, reliable, usable

maintain/further develop: eduroam db, cat, monitoring, usage statistics

maintain/improve NRO audit (initiated in GN4-2), enforce/monitor BCP, continuous improvement in NRO practises
Assess the possibility to do above below the NRO level (institutional)

improve diagnostics: introduce tools to analyse logs (including DEEP learning), integrate with current tools like CAT to provide services for all types of users (NRO admins, admins, end users), make EAP labs part of diagnostics portfolio, finish development software probes to include running on end user devices

assess eduroam SP-as-a-Service


Uncertainty around HS2.0 uptake
Current team Sa2/JRA2 has excellent mix of skills, need to continue

Yr1: HS2.0 assessment, audit NRO, tooling improvement
Yr2: audit below NRO level assessment, improved diagnostics (incl. DEEP, EAP lab repositioning), audit NRO,  tooling improvement

6-8/yr Yr3: assess alternative access networks, audit NRO,  tooling improvement, software probes

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