1. Participants

Jule ZieglerDFN-LRZ
GN4-3 project team
Jule ZieglerDFN-LRZScrum Master
AMRES/UoBTeam Member
Alan LewisGEANTTeam Member
Sergio GómezUCOTeam Member, Dev
SURFTeam Memver, Dev



Christos KanellopoulosGEANT AssociationGN4-3 eduTEAMS Service Owner

NRENsReview and feedback

research communityReview and feedback
Stakeholder engagements

Initial stakeholder kick-off
17.12.19--Sprint Demo 2.1
19.03.20--Sprint Demo 2.3
30.06.20--Sprint Demo 2.6

2. Activity overview


This activity constitutes to be the follow-up activity of the topic Second Factor Authentication - Distributed Vetting (see: https://wiki.geant.org/x/zLAuBw) of the previous Incubator cycle. It investigates analogously to the preceding cycle how identity vetting and token registration can be scaled for second-factor authentication scenarios where participants are distributed over EU and beyond and thus takes into account the report which was delivered as part of the first Incubator cycle.

As part of this activity a specific flow - based on a community-based approach - will be investigated. It takes into account the concept of the Web of Trust which is also used in (Open)PGP to establish a binding between a key and its owner. While this mechanism typically does not work well in broad user groups, it is very well suited to distribute trust between small groups where a pre-existing trust fabric is already in place, as we typically have in research communities. What seems to be missing is a means to make this trust network auditable and transparent. In order to make the trust network transparent, this activity seeks to identify/develop tools to support this flow.

Activity goals
  • Workflow specification based on a community-based approach (i.e. either in text format and/or graphical visualization such as BPMN flow(s))
  • Report on identification of tools (e.g. REMS: https://confluence.csc.fi/display/REMS) to support the flow
  • Example implementation of at least 1 such a workflow
  • Demonstration at the relevant venue
  • Describe how the vetted identity may be used in common authN and AuthZ systems like eduTEAMS
  • It was noted the proposed work aligns well with recommendations made by the InCommon XYZ. We should discuss.

3. Activity Details

Technical details

Based on the specified flow, tools to support and implement the flow need to be identified.

The following outputs of the previous Incubator cycle will be taken into account:

Business case
Many services, especially in LifeSciences have a need for Second Factor Authentication (2FA). The quality of the LoA of the 2FA solution depends heavily on the quality of the identity vetting and token binding. Validating identities and tokens, however, is potentially a costly effort in a distributed scenario.
  • Keep the community-based approach in this iteration as simple and user-friendly as possible in order to avoid complexity which might lead to incomplete work
  • Solution might not fulfil 100% of the use cases

Data protection & Privacy

Personal data which is processed during the act of identity vetting must be reduced to a minimum and transmitted/stored by using cryptographical means.

Definition of Done (DoD)
See activity goals

  • Intended to be used in the scope of research communities
  • Engagement with eduTEAMS task and Stepup solution

4. Activity Results


5. Meetings





January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting

6. Documents

  File Modified
PDF File vetting flow with readid.pdf Nov 19, 2019 by Niels van Dijk

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