
Source: acrhitecture.odg

SP admin flows

Register a new SP

1a) copy/past metadata into text box
test: is it really XML?
-> if not: error

1b) point to metadata URL
test:  check if URL exists
→ if not: error

2) test: check if metadata has

  • entityID present?
  • technical contact email present?
  • ACS location present?

→ if not: error

3) resolve captcha
4) press register button

Start registration

1) generate SHA256 token from  IP + timestamp + entitID

test: Do not allow an existing entityID to be claimed with a new email
if → throw an error

2 ) send email with token to tech contact
e.g. return URL:

2) write to db table "registration":

- generated token (key)
- email adress
- entityID
- timestamp
- ip adress
- metadata as an XML blob
- registration statusstatus ("email send", registration complete")

First time user login

1) User returns to
test:  Check if this token is registered in the DB for this email, if not -> error
2) The user is now "logged in" for time X
3) Move over XML metadata to "martin" table" (registration data gets removed)
4) Optionally: additional field to be filled in? → Check with Martin

5) Your IdP is ready at : https://...
Show pointer to metadata
Show metadata to be copied
Show URL?
Show text explaining how to use frontend login screen

Below TBD

Returning to admin interface to modify SP

  • 'login' vio email token
  • lookup your own SP?
  •  confimation?

  • No labels


  1. I'm not sure that registration is a part of the admin flow. I was thinking that the admin flow was mainly around monitoring and managing the multi-tenanted platform and that we have a separate user flow for things such as registration. Perhaps my confusion is that I'm thinking of the flows in terms of roles (administrator role, SP user role) and we are using them here ( I think) in a functional sense.

    1. Well it says "SP admin", but I do get the confusion. Perhaps call it "Service Provider Owner"?