Separate status reports on a per service basis:

  • e.g. and
  • Something like, does not make much sense. There is a reason why we brand each service service separately and we do not have {edutainment, eduroam, eduteams}
  • NiDi: While I assume this is the toplevel landing for a service specific status page, I assume "sub" services like e.g. edugain access check would be maybe visible as part of status.edugain, but not as separate pages?

Align licenses for such monitoring

  • For some services we already have/ are going to procure licenses. Can these be used?
  • NiDi: Were these services evaluate in any way against requirements of all services in scope?

Use (commercial) as a service offering

  • very much in favor of going to a commercial vendor and get this as a service, rather than develop/operate something ourselves

Requirements expressed in T&I leads meeting (16122019):

- Consider representation for complex flow(s), like e.g. including login.
- Specifically branded to service (already adressed see above)
- Overall overview for specific stakeholder (EC) may still have value, even if it is not useful for individual services.
- (Must be) publicly available
- Redirect from generic URL to specific page of vendor (either a feature of to be procured service, or perhaps a simple DNS based redirect).

  • No labels