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12:45 - 13:00Arrival, testing

13:00 - 13:05 (5')

Item 1: Approval of Minutes of the 19th GCC, call for AOB


Members are requested to APPROVE the minutes of the 19th GCC meeting, subject to any proposed changes.

Members are invited to propose any AOB for the meeting:

Members are invited to DISCUSS progress on the Open Actions for the GCC. 

Open Actions

Minutes of the 19th Meeting
13:05 - 13:30 (25')

Item 2: Reflection from the GEANT Community Strategy Workshop


GEANT has organising a workshop to discuss the planned strategy for their CCRO department which includes the area of the community programme, partner relations, research engagement and international relations. The reflections and outcomes from the meeting the day before the GCC meeting will be shared and discussed.

Members to discuss the objectives and possible next actions related to the feedback from the last General Assembly.

Verbal Update and Discussion

Links and slides to be shared.

13:30 - 14:30 (60' with break in the middle)Item 3: Updates from Task Forces and SIGs (TF-CSIRT, SIG-ISM, TF-EDU, TF-RED,...) as input for next steps in GCP, including application of GCP Strategy.All

Members to identify and agree on action items based on the feedback received from various meeting recent meetings, the input received and use it as guidance both for GÉANT Community Programme Strategy actions, and ad hoc initiatives. A non exhaustive list:

  • Lifecycle
  • Trends and community initiative handling...
  • Budget & Manpower
  • Community Collaboration Model (GCP) vs Centralised Services Model (EOSC)
Discussion and decision.
14:30 - 14:45 (15')BreakAllShort break to stretch your legs, get a drink...etc.
14:45 - 15:45 (60')

Item 4: GEANT Community Programme Strategy & Action (Part I)

Claudio, Paul & All

Follow up from the strategy related to outputs and next steps. 

Verbal Updates and Discussion

15:45 - 16:00 (15')

Item 5: Summary of agreed points and next steps.

Claudio & All

Verbal Updates and Discussion

10 September 2020

08:45 - 09:00Arrival, testing

09:00 - 09:05 (5')

Item 7: Welcome back to the second day, summary of points from the day before


09:05 - 09:30 (25')

Item 8: GEANT Community Programme Strategy & Action (Part II)


Verbal Update and Discussion

09:30 - 10:30 (60' with break in the middle)Item 9: All
Discussion and decision.
10:30 - 10:45 (15')BreakAllShort break to stretch your legs, get a drink...etc.
10:45 - 11:15 (30')

Item 10: GÉANT Community Programme communication

Gyongyi & All

Members to DISCUSS and PROPOSE ways forward to engage better with the broader GEANT community:

  • Community Cafe
  • Virtual TF/SIG meetings reflection
  • GCP wiki page
  • GCP GEANT external facing pages
  • Testimonial video promotion of the GCP
  • post Covid-19 plans to keep alive and develop activities born during the emergency

Verbal Updates and Discussion

11:15 - 11:30 (15')

Item 11: Proposals for Next Meeting and 

Claudio & All

Preparation for the next meetings:

  • TF/SIG coordinators and chair
  • GCC, GPPC joint meeting
  • November 3rd meeting (13-17 or 11-13 lunch 14-16) 
  • AOB
Verbal Updates and Discussion
11:30 - 12:00 ('30)Item 12: Closing remarksClaudio