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Laura: The training in september focused also on the problems we had in using the social media - and some of the aspects are the same as the survey results show.

Lars: how to use it for by to techies

people don;t want to hear frmPRs, they're on Sm to have personal comms  - need particular reason for people to be interested, wnat to hear from people you know. but can be a source of trusted expertise - unerstand personal network. Unless something v specific such as the security eg.

NORDUnet tweet trouble tickets - useful for people elsewhere to keep tabs wthout having to go to website. Would appreciate blog with news from TFs - to post on central blog about meetings, outcomes etc. LArs ony reads emails if someone trusted tweets it and it points to something trusted.

needs support , needs guidelines, difference between company blog

Q: don't need a strategy for SM

Paul: GEANT - was required to write a strategy document "use your common sense"

a channel - don;t need a SM strategy, need a comms strategy that's a company comms strategy not a coms team strategy


accidentally discovered blogging as the best platform - 177 posts in 2 yrs. Marketing team convinced him to tweet too. Are no guidelines so learning from everyone else. Blogging on reglatory issues wants it to be reliable but not authoritative, i.e. people trust it but don;t count it as legally correct. Janet community tells him if they think he's got something wrong but no-one at Janet does. Spends 1hr-1 day to produce each and company happy with that. Looks for role models in blogs and twitter - ok with blogs but not with twitter. Doubles tweets by saying "I'm reading a doc" and then "I've written a blog about it". Would like guidelines on e.g. tone, what to post where etc.

Can't my blog be more than just a way of publishing web content. Moving towards Drupal where every JAnet user can set up account and imteract - can I e.g. crowd source updates to old documents like I now do verbally? What is twitter for apart from advertoising blog posts.  Someone in States has been sued for moving companies and taking followers with them.

Quality v quantit - particopant gave a speech In ALberta and someone from local govt said they read his ctical blogs and they decided to change their policy in response.

Question over personal/professional profiles.

Andrew: has clear split as spends no time online on personal basis