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Contact person(s)

(tick) - accounts provisioned

Initial interest
AARnet AustraliaGuido Aben (tick)

Certainly any high latency tests you might want to perform are well entrusted to us. 


Kurt Bauer (warning)(tick)

Christian Panigl (warning)

Arsen Stasic (warning)(tick)

We'll start with - Bring your test users but probably will also try to - Attach your own storage back-end later.

(warning) access problem


Jernej Porenta

Peter Kacin (tick)

We are interested in Terena Trusted cloud drive pilot. From our side, Peter Kacin (cc) will be the guy to talk to, so please add both of us to the mailing list.


Mario Vandaele

Jean-Philippe Evrard

Dirk Dupont (tick)

Ongoing tendering and procurement of storage hardware. Universities might want to install the TERENA Cloud Drive to provide storage service on top of the raw storage capacity.

Branko Radojevic

Valentin Vidic

 Marko Furic


Jakub Peisar (tick)

CESNET is willing to install an instance of the Cloud Drive for experimental purposes.

Sami Saarikoski (tick)

Sormunen Toni

Try out
DFNRalf Groeper (tick)Try out

Praveen Misra 

I had been exploring different opportunities of collaborating on the cloud technologies and found interest in cloud pilot. Do let me know if its possible and feasible for us to get involved with this initiative.


João Pagaime (tick)

At this stage we looking for information for a possible more official commit in the future.

As far as the  reasons go, we already use filesender and are happy with it, and we  see interest from the community on storage services beyond commercial available services.

The planned contribution is to test the software,  set up a test storage backend and generally participate  on the initiative  (it's worth to mention that we don't have dedicated resources devoted for this. That is to say that we would have difficulty on doing resource hungry taks.

We're evaluating  installing the cloud platform at our location for experimental purposes (01/10/2012)

I have an idea about how this could work on the NREN (probably on a pilot), but I'm not sure about it's feasibility:

- can we have a central installation on the NREN (FCCN) and have the NREN institutions participate with the raw storage?

- if so, how would the NREN institutions make available the storage to the central installation? does it make sense to use, for instance, a gluster-fs? does the TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive already have some software module to do that?

theoretically we could configure special network conditions for the shared file-system within the NREN (20/11/2012)

Saying that, a scala driver that dispatches users to their "home institution" is indeed a very nice feature. Specially after a pilot phase, if things start to scale up.


Panos Louridas

Christos Loverdos

We are interested in participating, and our focus will be in the following item from the Phase II description: Attach your own storage back-end to the platform installed at TERENA Offices Specifically, to attach our own OpenStack-derived platform as a storage back-end.

Concerning GRNET, our efforts will focus on providing a bridge to connect from the GRNET storage service (Pithos+) to the cloud pilot. Right now the Cloud Pilot includes support for Amazon S3 and JClouds; we use an OpenStack compatible API, so we will be going for an OpenStack / Pithos+ interface to the cloud interface.


Glenn Wearen (warning)

Robert Hackett

We would be interested but resources are a problem and the priority is our own storage project currently.

(warning) access problem


Ivan Marton (tick)

Szabolcs Székelyi (tick)

An instance might be run by a Hungarian university. To be investigated.


Maciej Brzeźniak (tick)(tick)

Stanisław Jankowski (tick)

Dariusz Janny (tick)(tick)

Pawel Berus (tick)

We might offer some test storage resources controlled by OpenStack Swift and/or plug into your system some WebDAV enabled storage.

In addition we might spend some hours on reviewing the code and/or penetration testing of your pilot installation.

SECURITY AUDIT; Our current plans regarding the local installation include:

- doing some stress / functional testing

- checking if your solution will work with S3-enabled OpenStack swift

- performing a security audit (I am adding Gerard and Pawel from security department in CC)

access problems SOLVED (thumbs up)

Congratulations to PSNC for the first installation of the tool at an NREN location!

RedIRISAntonio Fuentes Bermejo  Currently we are driving our efforts to bring cloud services, and we are studying what kind of cloud services could be offered to the RedIRIS Research community.

Jean-François Guezou

Robert Ferret

We, at RENATER, would like to test the trusted cloud drive.
RNP Brazil

Roberto Araujo


Giu Maluf (tick)

Recently, we constructed a cloud storage based on the OpenStack Swift. We took a look on the phase 2 webpage and noted that it is possible to integrate other clouds to the TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive.

We are interested in integrating our cloud to your solution. Thus, we would like to know what are the requisites for this.

(lightbulb) OpenStack Swift S3 test/development 


Rogier Spoor

Andres Steijaert

François Kooman

SURFnet is running a pilot with It has the priority to federate the service and make more and more applications available under the service. In a later phase, integration with TERENA Cloud Drive might be considered.

Patrik Schnellmann

Christian Rohrer (tick)

Alessandro Usai (tick)

Michael Stuecheli

Alessandra Scicchitano (tick)

We are interested for the following reason: Higher Education Users are increasingly asking for a cloud shared storage. I'm thinking about students, but also researchers and teaching staff may be interested in this. We are evaluating which solution could address the need of users best in the future. The TTCD is one possibility and I'm interested about the future developments in that project and the uptake of other NRENs of TTCD, how they see the place of a service based on the TTCD in their portfolio.

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Carlos Aguado

I am part of the Blue Brain Project, based at EPFL. Our long-term goal is to build a facility to help the worldwide community of neuroscientists work in the understanding of the brain and its processes.

My understanding of this second phase of the pilot is that will enable secure cloud-like sharing based on established federations and this sounds very interesting to me. Especially from the perspective of federations and how insightful could be for us in moving towards our long-term goals.

Newcastle University

Caleb Racey (tick)

University of Melbourne

Tom Fifield (tick)

University of Malta

Dave Mifsud

University of Porto

Sérgio Afonso (tick)

Rui Ramos (tick)

José António (tick)Sousa

Paulo Carvalho(tick)

We at the University of Porto are very interested in participating in this TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive. For now we would like to have access to it and maybe in the future we can contribute with some storage space, if needed.

Università Roma TRE

Vincenzo Praturlon (plus)(plus)

We would be glad to join in, but first we need to discuss our involvement within our it staff. At the moment it is not clear what could be the outcome of a pilot in our university. It could be a federated service offered by us to the IDEM community, or it could be just an experimentation, possibly picked up by the federation itself for production (as happened for filesender). We are trying to have a clue of the efforts required to contribute to the project in a significant amount. The most reasonable target for a pilot within phase II would be to provide a small storage quota on Amazon to a few partner institutions and try to share some data. This would simplify, I guess, the "local" requirements. At that point we would be in position to decide whether to provide a back-end or pass it to the federation. I will try to scout this idea, but before "formally" committing I will have to put together some of the skills required.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Savvas Th. Anastasiades

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (tick)

Try out

access problem SOLVED (thumbs up)

University of Vienna

Martin Koelbl


Damir Zagar (tick)

I will get back on Monday with details in what parts we'll get involved (and will find some human-ware available).

Srce is running a storage service based on GRNET's GSS. GSS won't be supported by GRNET any more. Srce is looking for migrations options. TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive could be an option (being evaluated).


Jordi Guijarro

Lorenzo J. Cubero (tick)

In this second phase, we can initially collaborate providing feedback from our constituency test users and after attaching our own storage backend.

I would really like to collaborate in the project developing some part/s. I thought about connecting the pilot to a cdmi-proxy. Or develop the jcloud missing part. (On 10th October I will attend to an Adrian Cole's [jcloud founder] meeting in Barcelona) 

CESCA will provide the infrastructure needed to make a local installation of the cloud platform.
(lightbulb)Jclouds API development and test

Martin Hellmich






Giacomo Tenaglia (tick)

To share the information and open source code of the DAV client developed by CERN. The client must be tested with the TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive platform.

(lightbulb) Here is, as promised, a link to our DAV client DAVIX.
This one points to the source
(check it out with svn co
this one to the documentation

I copied the main developer, Adrien, in, so now you also get his email address for questions and/or bug reports.


Peter Szegedi (tick) (tick)

Licia Florio (tick)

John Dyer (tick)

Service coordinator
Vrijheid.netMaarten Koopmans (tick) (tick)Lead developer

Commercial interest



CompanyContact personNote
JoyentMarco MeinardiResell Joyent service/infrastructure

Valerie Focke

Interest in TCD.
Dell Inc.Brett EmmertonGeneral interest
GoogleGrainne Emma PhelanGeneral interest concerning Google Apps for EDU
AmazonCarly Buwalda

Fall Quarter 2012 Research Grants submission...

Resubmission in 2013.