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GÉANT development and maintenance teams can contact the OSLS through the GÉANT Slack channel or email. SCA and SLA services are requested by submitting a software review request to the GÉANT Jira Software Tools Help Desk [Jira_RSWR  GÉANT Jira Software Tools Help Desk], which also serves to track the progress of the work on them. Several iterations of analysis and licence and dependency adjustments may be required to reach satisfactory IPR status. The IPR Coordinator can be reached when assistance with licensing decisions is needed.


These are preceded by a number of preparatory activities and decisions, and should be followed by measures that ensure long-term, continuous licence management. Details of the preparation required for the process, the above steps, and ongoing licence management activities in GÉANT are provided in the following sections. (For further information about the four steps, see GÉANT’s Open Source Licensing and Compliance training [OSLC_TrainingOpen Source Licensing and Compliance].)


  • Decide on the software name, grouping of subprojects and use of available contributions.
  • New projects might require a proof of concept or prototype to identify and validate key components.
  • Gather preexisting information and documentation.
  • Consolidate the project’s components in repositories into a single project or clarify their relationships if it is more advantageous for them to remain separate.
  • Make sure your software is on GÉANT GitLab [GN_GitLabGÉANT GitLab ] or GitHub [GitHub GitHub].
  • Register the software project in the GÉANT Software Catalogue [GN_SC GÉANT Software Catalogue].
  • Internally address authorship and copyright matters.


The software may include non-original artefacts and assets or those with different licences. These assets, which may not be easily detected with SCA tools, should be documented with their origin, copyright and licence as soon as they are added to the project. The methods for accomplishing this are detailed in Section 2.10 Licences and Tracking of Documentation, Data and Other Works. Failing to document them promptly can complicate their identification and tracking in the future.

One or Several Projects?

When handling multiple projects, it is crucial to determine and specify which dependencies should be incorporated into the SCA analysis. This decision may also depend on the relationship between components and their respective responsibilities. For example, whether one project serves as a subproject managed by the same team or may be intended to function as a module within a larger project overseen by different developers. If so, there may be a need to comprehensively analyse both projects, including their dependencies and, potentially, their source code, even if it is kept in separate repositories.



[GN_GitLab]Community Edition instance, hosting most projects:
Ultimate Edition, hosting a few selected projects:



AGPL GNU GNU Affero General Public Licence
API Application Application Programming Interface
BSD Berkeley Berkeley Source Distribution
CC Creative Creative Commons
CC BY Creative Creative Commons Attribution licence
CC BY-NC Creative Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence
CI Continuous Continuous Integration
CI/CD Continuous Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
CLA Contributor Contributor License Agreement
EC European European Commission
EPL Eclipse Eclipse Public License
EU European European Union
EUPL European European Union Public Licence
EURISE European European Research Infrastructure Software Engineers
FAIR FindabilityFindability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability
GFDL GNU GNU Free Documentation License
GPL GNU GNU General Public License
GUI Graphical Graphical User Interface
ICT Information Information and Communication Technology
IP Intellectual Intellectual Property
IPR Intellectual Intellectual Property Rights
JLA Joinup Joinup Licensing Assistant
MIT Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MPL Mozilla Mozilla Public License
NC NonCommercialNonCommercial
ND NoDerivativesNoDerivatives
NREN National National Research and Education Network
OSI Open Open Source Initiative
OSLS Open Open Source and Licence Support
OSS Open Open Source Software
PLM Product Product Lifecycle Management
R&E Research Research and Education
SA ShareAlikeShareAlike
SBOM Software Software Bill of Materials
SCA Software Software Composition Analysis
SLA Software Software Licence Analysis
UA Unified Unified Agent
UI User User Interface
WP Work Work Package
WP9 Work Work Package 9 Operations Support
WP9 Task 2 WP9 WP9 Task 2 Software Governance and Support
