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14th & 15th April 2021

24th & 25th May 2022

The Second Third European perfSONAR User Workshop will follow on from the 2019 inaugural workshop in London first two workshops and again will bring together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, to share best practices, and to discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap.

The Workshop is being organised by the GÉANT GN4-3 project, Work Package 6 ( "Network Technologies and Services Development"), including the perfSONAR development team within Task 3.

perfSONAR is a network measurement toolkit designed to provide federated coverage of paths , and help to establish end-to-end usage expectations.   There are 1000s of perfSONAR instances deployed world wideworldwide, many of which are available for open testing of key measures of network performance.  This global infrastructure helps to identify and isolate problems as they happen, making the role of supporting network users easier for engineering teams, and increasing productivity when utilising network resources

The event is open to anyone with an interest in perfSONAR.


Registration for the event is now closed.


Due to the COVID-19 situations, the meeting happened will be online, on Zoom.

Presentation material

PDFs of all presentations are available within the agenda on the right side of the page.


If you have any questions about the event please email 

Quick Links

To join the perfSONAR online user community email list, where issues and ideas can be openly discussed, please subscribe to the perfsonar-user mail list.

Call for presentations

Call for presentations is now closed.

Post workshop survey

If you've participated to the workshop, we're very much interested in listening to your feedback. You can provide it through this survey.

Meeting photos

 Photos from the 2nd 3rd European perfSONAR User Workshop held online will be published after the event.Image RemovedImage Removed

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Agenda (all times are CEST)

April 14th

May 24th


Welcome, introductions Pavle Vuletic, AMRES Tim Chown (Jisc)


perfSONAR today (Update 20212022) Antoine Delvaux , (PSNC)

Reviewing the conclusions of the 1st 2nd workshop we held 2 years agolast year, we'll see how perfSONAR has evolved since then and what is new today.


perfSONAR 5.0 EvolutionAntoine Delvaux (PSNC)

We'll discuss what changes you can expect from the upcoming 5.0 release.Experiences of using perfSONAR for network troubleshooting on Janet — Duncan Rand, Jisc


perfSONAR and WiFiMonTsotne Gozalishvili (GRENA)

Looking at perfSONAR and WiFiMon possible integration and challenges

Scaling of perfSONAR set in ASNET NREN Eugene Prokhorenko, ASNET

Experience managing an extended number of perfSONAR installations, taking into account network speed.

14:05-14:2015Questions and Answers
14:30-14:50WLCG perfSONAR UpdateMarian Babik (CERN)

perfSONAR usage in WLCG and a view at their 100 Gbps testing mesh.


pS TWAMP monitoring with Juniper routers, GÉANT Operations use caseIvan Garnizov, FAU/DFN

GÉANT Operations experience in setting up and running a TWAMP mesh with core Juniper routers.


RNP experience with perfSONARMarcos Schwarz, RNP

perfSONAR is used by some core monitoring services at RNP. This talk will show RNP’s timeline and contributions to the perfSONAR initiative and our specific use cases.

10EPOC experience with high speed testingDoug Southworth (Indiana University)

As testing at speeds higher than 10G becomes more commonplace, care must be given to hardware selection, OS tuning, and network preparation in order to achieve accurate, repeatable results. This brief talk will highlight some common pitfalls of testing at 40G and beyond, as well as EPOC's experience with resolving those issues.

15:10-15:30perfSECURITY: The Intersection of perfSONAR and InfoSecMark Feit (Internet2)

perfSONAR is best known as a tool for measuring network performance, and as such doesn't often cross paths with the information security community. Improvements made over the last couple of years have given it the ability to do more than it ever has, and the development team is starting to expand its reach into other areas.

This session will provide a brief introduction to perfSONAR, discuss how data produced by InfoSec organizations can help secure perfSONAR installations and cover the potential for perfSONAR's use as a platform for deploying security tools.

15:30-15:4515:20-15:40Questions and Answers
16:00-16:20MicroDep and perfSONAROtto Wittner (SIKT)

Microdep does measurements and analyses to discover routing quality issues. The systems event analysis engine will be presented and its potential future integration with perfSONAR discussed

In the Wild: Real-world Troubleshooting with perfSONAR — Doug Southworth, Indiana University

While long-term network performance monitoring and measurement is an important aspect of perfSONAR use, troubleshooting issues real-time is equally as valuable. In this session we’ll examine several examples of network diagnosis using perfSONAR and the positive outcomes that came as a result of being able to pinpoint critical infrastructure problems


16:20-16:40UMich perfSONAR updateEd Colone (UMich)

An overview of recent and ongoing perfSONAR development at the University of Michigan. Topics will include WiFi monitoring, pScheduler plugin development, mobile testpoints, and deployment automation

Central Management Server SetupPhil Reese, Stanford University

This project illustrates, using VMs, what the document MaDDash Quick Install Guide v4 covers bit by bit.

Andy Lake put together the first version of this document several years ago. That prompted an AHA! moment for me. This project is an attempt to share that AHA! with others looking to better understand the perfSONAR and MaDDash projects.

16:40-17:00Questions and Answers
April 15th

May 25th

13:00-13:05Welcome, introductions — Ivana Golub, PSNC

PMP Service UpdateSzymon Trocha, PSNC and Ljubomir Hrboka, CARnet

This session will share the current status of PMP service. It will also look at new ideas and future service directions.

20PMP Update Szymon Trocha (PSNC)

Review of the GÉANT Performance Management Platform changes and what to expect for the future.

13:20-13:40perfSONAR data analysis of PMPLjubomir Hrboka (CARNET)

perfSONAR data analysis of the Performance Management Platform

13:40-14:00Lookup Service reporting dashboardsAndrijana Todosijevie (AMRES), Katarina Simonovic (AMRES)

A look at some new dashboards reporting perfSONAR utilisation and the characteristics of the various public deployments. The talk will also explain how those were built using the Lookup Service API.


CNaaS deploymentMagnus Bergroth, SUNET

pScheduler DotX plugin developmentKristofer Hallin, SUNET

14:00-14:2015Questions and Answers

Plugging In: Bringing New Measurements to perfSONARMark Feit, Internet2

Since the first release of pScheduler in 2017, perfSONAR has had the ability to easily add new types of measurements and the tools to carry them out.  This talk will give an overview of the mechanics of pScheduler’s test and tool plugins, the philosophy of test design and the tools available to help jump start the development process.


Deployment practices for 10GE Mobile perfSONAR testpoints Ed Colone and Craig Maxfield, Michigan University

The University of Michigan uses mobile 10GE perfSONAR testpoints to detect and troubleshoot network problems on a large distributed campus with multihomed networks.  This talk will share our hardware configuration, deployment practices, and lessons learned.


CentOS and OS Support Mark Feit, Internet2 and Antoine Delvaux, PSNC

RedHat changed the CentOS release cycle and will be discontinuing CentOS 8 after 2021.  As CentOS was the main development and deployment OS for perfSONAR until now, we'll look at what are the possible replacements and what the community will be using in the future.  Your feedback will be requested!


perfSONAR RoadmapAntoine Delvaux, PSNC

Looking at the perfSONAR development and release roadmap for 2021 and beyond.

15:45-15:55Questions and Answers
50perfSONAR new Opensearch backendLuan Rios (RNP)

This talk discusses the changes that went into the archive of perfSONAR 5.0 as well as some of its motivations and overall impacts. An overlook at the package structure of this new backend will also be presented.

14:50-15:105.0 Migration and Beta testingAndy Lake (ESnet)

perfSONAR 5.0 will enter its beta phase soon. We'll look at the migration process and at the beta testing program.

15:10-15:30A New Architecture for Streaming Measurements with pScheduler Mark Feit (Internet2)

This talk discusses some of the pitfalls of perfSONAR's current regime for producing continuous streams of measurements in high-volume environments and what can be done to pScheduler's architecture to improve on it.

15:30-15:45Questions and Answers
16:00-16:10OS Support for 5.0Mark Feit (Internet2) , Antoine Delvaux (PSNC)

An update on the OS that you'll be able to install perfSONAR 5.0 on.


16:10-16:3020Post 5.0 RoadmapAndy Lake (ESnet)

A glance at what the perfSONAR developers will be working on next and a place to give your suggestions.


perfSONAR Lookup Service - Moving to elasticsearch and beyond… Sowmya Balasubramanian, ESnet

In this short talk, we will explore the journey towards elasticsearch and the road beyond. In particular, we will discuss the transition of perfSONAR Lookup Service to an elasticsearch based backend. What are its new capabilities and how users can take advantage of them? And, what does the future look like for the Lookup Service? What features or tools can we build using the new capabilities?

16:30-16:40Questions and Answers

Workshop Conclusions Ivana Golub , (PSNC)

Wrap up of the workshop and summary of recommendations.2nd European perfSONAR Workshop recommendations