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1. The Commission shall establish a European Data Innovation Board in the form of an expert group, consisting of representatives of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations of all Member States, the European Data Protection Board, the European Data Protection Supervisor, ENISA, the Commission, the EU SME Envoy or a representative appointed by the network of SME envoys, and other representatives of relevant bodies in specific sectors as well as bodies with specific expertise.

In its appointments of individual experts, the Commission shall aim to achieve gender and geographical balance among the members of the expert group.

2. The European Data Innovation Board shall consist of at least the following three subgroups:

(a) a subgroup composed of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations, with a view to carrying out the tasks pursuant to Article 30, points (a), (c), (j) and (k); PE-CONS 85/21 HOU/RC/vm 125 TREE.2 EN

(b) a subgroup for technical discussions on standardisation, portability and interoperability pursuant to Article 30, points (f) and (g);

(c) a subgroup for stakeholder involvement composed of relevant representatives from industry, research, academia, civil society, standardisation organisations, relevant common European data spaces and other relevant stakeholders and third parties advising the European Data Innovation Board on tasks pursuant to Article 30, points (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h).

3. The Commission shall chair the meetings of the European Data Innovation Board.

4. The European Data Innovation Board shall be assisted by a secretariat provided by the Commission.

Article 30 Tasks of the European Data Innovation Board:
The European Data Innovation Board shall have the following tasks:

(a) to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice of public sector bodies and competent bodies referred to in Article 7(1) in handling requests for the re-use of the categories of data referred to in Article 3(1);

(b) to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice for data altruism across the Union; PE-CONS 85/21 HOU/RC/vm 126 TREE.2 EN

(c) to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing a consistent practice of the competent authorities for data intermediation services and the competent authorities for the registration of data altruism organisations in the application of requirements applicable to data intermediation services providers and recognised data altruism organisations; 

(d) to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing consistent guidelines on how to best protect, in the context of this Regulation, commercially sensitive non-personal data, in particular trade secrets, but also non-personal data representing content protected by intellectual property rights from unlawful access that risks intellectual property theft or industrial espionage;

(e) to advise and assist the Commission with regard to developing consistent guidelines for cybersecurity requirements for the exchange and storage of data;

(f) to advise the Commission, in particular taking into account the input from standardisation organisations, on the prioritisation of cross-sector standards to be used and developed for data use and cross-sector data sharing between emerging common European data spaces, cross-sectoral comparison and exchange of best practices with regard to sectoral requirements for security and access procedures, taking into account sector-specific standardisation activities, in particular clarifying and distinguishing which standards and practices are cross-sectoral and which are sectoral; PE-CONS 85/21 HOU/RC/vm 127 TREE.2 EN

(g) to assist the Commission, in particular taking into account the input from standardisation organisations, in addressing fragmentation of the internal market and the data economy in the internal market by enhancing cross-border, cross-sector interoperability of data as well as data sharing services between different sectors and domains, building on existing European, international or national standards, inter alia with the aim of encouraging the creation of common European data spaces;
