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Comment: middleware open issues notes, from memory


Steve Cotter joined the beginning of the meeting to introduce his background, get a short update on what TTC was focusing on in the past and the type of work was done. SC talked shortly about his background, including the work at REANZZ, inquired , share his ideas and inquire about the expectations of the TTC groupHe elaborated on the importance of establishing good dialogue with the users and understanding what they do. What they want is often not what they need. We have to co-work with users and sometimes co-develop to get their engagement. The TTC members echoed the importance of community engagement. Users do not always look for funding opportunities and money in the first place but often for added-value and greater benefits.


Agenda changes: in absence of Alessandra, DG will update the TTC about the WISE workshop.

VC presentation on the GEANT Community Committee moved from the end of the meeting to the beginning.


Minutes from the previous meetings approved.  All open actions were done or included in the agenda.

A review of the actions  of the previous meeting followed. The updated list of actions is shown below.









To start the preparation for the SIG-NGN NG.

 On track

It has been started in Dubrovnik. An other meeting will happen in early 2016.

RE is coordinating with BS.





To review his slides and distil distill what is being worked on and what is not being worked on by the NRENs

To be completed soonCompleted later in the meeting.




 To report on operational aspect of service provisioning across e-Infrastructures

Reported later in the meeting.




 JH JD and VN to work on a news item on the outcome of TF-MSP.Done and posted.




 To find a collaboration with the GPPC for work that won’t be incorporate with the GNx project.

 Discussed at the meeting.

2. Short Updates 

  • SIG-NGN progress - Rob Evans and Brook Schofield

    RE: Dubrovnik meeting was not very productive - did not have enough time to come up with good agenda. Ideas , difficult location. However, ideas on the SIG were presented and got a lot of interest and discussion

    Question about the funding was raised - no funding as of yet available.

    Support . Support to go forward was expressed, but there is a need to have another meeting next year with more time for preparation and a - good agenda .Anyone and carefully selected time and location. Anyone who is interested can participate.

    BS:  BELNET will host a RIPE liaison must be restored. Co-locate with FOSDEM workshop in January, covering some SDN/NFV topics - proposals can be submitted, but also a meeting can be scheduled before/after the meetinghosted by BELNET, as the people interested will be there.

    VNVC: could host a stand-alone meeting at the GÉANT offices - to see whether enough people would be interested and ready to invest into it.Amsterdam office - that would signal the intention of the community. STF meeting is expected in Amsterdam, option for co-location. 

  • Implementation considerations to the GEANT Community Programme - Valentino Cavalli

    VC presented the ToR for adoption latest developments on the GEANT Community Programme (GCP) Terms of Reference, to be voted on by the GA during at the next meeting. If adopted, it will be managed by the Executive Team

    Framework for community based initiatives.

     GÉANT Community Committee (GCC) will would replace the TTC. Executive, having listened to the GCC, will would make decisions. GCP will  GCP would mainly focus on Task Forces, SIGs, Workshops, and Collaborative projects.GCP will  GCP would be an advisory body, formed by 6-8 members appointed by the board and a Chair elected by the GÉANT GA.Meetings  Meetings would take place minimum 3 times a year, and once a year the GCP would hold a meeting with the board.

    If ToR is approved, GCC Chair needs to will be elected - elections possibly carried out online. Chair then would identify the potential members of the group and make suggestions to the board.

    VC proposed to expend the existence of TTC until the new group is established to assure continuity. 

    VN announced that he will be a candidate to become the Chair.for both the Board position and GCC chair and would be looking for new people for the Committee and organize the first meeting early next year. 

    LD suggested that perhaps there is a possibility of formalising formalizing the online platforms as a new thing that GCC could focus on. VC explained that ToR won’t be changed at this time, but it can be done later.VN plans to organise the first meeting early next year. New people will be invited and some perhaps will stay the same. Would like to not have everyone starting from the beginning in March - shift people in so that there is not situation where everyone needs to be re-elected at the same time

    BS asked about the relation to internal and external advisory committees to the project. VC explained that there is a possibility to migrate the existing project advisory groups to the Association - that remains an open question. ME added that every EC e-Infra project has an advisory body.

    TTC is happy with the new GCP ToR proposal.

  • SIG-Greenhouse approval - Nicole Harris

    On 30 September a A meeting was held in Amsterdam to discuss the SIG-Greenhouse in more detail.

    Two main proposals:

    1. Proposed initial pilot to work with NLNet who has experienceTrial . First trial with filesender - if that is successful, MoU with NLNet could be proposed.

    2. Set up the SIG to be a sounding board, suggesting ideas, encouraging good practices

    Charter is put together - it was agreed to keep it small and focussed focused for the time being.

    GÉANT would remain involved by providing continuous support and monitoring  

    SIG SIG-Greenhouse has enough NRENs to support the SIG (a few statements of support), also a steering committee and a charteris formed.

    GÉANT would remain involved by providing continuous support and monitoring. NLNet and GÉANT would agree on a common brand for the work.



    TTC approved the SIG Charter, SIG can be established. News item will be published.

  • DDoS workshop information - Nicole Harris

    DDoS Workshop was organised organized following a request from the community. Members of SIG-ISM, SIG-NOC, TF-MSP, TF-CSIRT participated at the event, which was very well attended (24 different organisationsorganizations).In  In addition, RNP from Brazil shared their experiences and would like to be involved in activities like this more in the future.

    Report is written but not yet published due to security issues (linked to the agenda). The report contains 6 recommendations:

    1. Closed mailing list for the attendees of the workshop to continue discussion

    2. Explore the need for joint procurement for commercial DDoS mitigation solutions (Jisc is already doing that - NRENs might want to join that or request GÉANT to initiate a separate one)

    3. SGA2 paper on security review

    4. Look into the solutions that DFN is already working on

    5. Look into the work of other organisations organizations (Radically Open Security, Team Cymru) who already have working tools

    6. SIG-NOC survey should include more questions about DDoS 

    Overall a very successful workshop.

  • WISE workshop information - David Groep 

    Highly successful event, 50 attendees from the global attendance, including the key infrastructures. Wide range of topics were discussed: formal standards, information sharing, trust groups, threat intelligence, training, etc. A lot of interest in engaging in shared activities was expressed, including higher level of data infrastructures, community structures, doing prediction of incidents. Some of the possible shared actions were identified, such as shared training, shared use of information security standards (network and e-infrastructures globally), marketing some training materials as "best WISE recommend training materials". On the managerial level more work needs to be done, mainly to allow the technical staff to collaborate and share information freely. There is a need to create a persistent structure (perhaps REFEDS-like structure or similar). Steering committee is already elected. WISE will need to get funding, but even in the absence of funding people are convinced that it should go forward There is a difference between TF-CSIRT and WISE: TF-CSIRT is an organisation organization based group and WISE would bring more different institutions and individuals who want to collaborate. 

    The next possible step now is reaching out to Asia Pacific organisations organizations and get them to participate. Alessandra will attend the APAN meeting and other meetings in Asia. 

  • EGI Conference information - Open Science Cloud discussion - Valentino Cavalli

    At the EGI Conference there were a few sessions related to AAI - including one AARC organised organized outreach event.

    The work in the area of Open Science Cloud done up to now includes establishing a high level expert group on the European Open Science Cloud and a work programme for 2016-2017, which includes two calls for a pilot: the first is mostly for the user led initiatives and the second - to build services to support the OSC.

    The Open Science Cloud workshop at the EGI Conference was co-organised by GÉANT, EUDAT and EGI GÉANT, EUDAT and EGI co-organized a panel discussion, divided into 3 sessions addressing different aspects. The workshop was meant to get various actors to get together and agree on common way of working. It was successful in getting different people to express their view and ideas, but more work needs to be done to get to a coherent vision of where it needs to go.

    Open Science Cloud - highly politically charged concept, DG-Research and DG-Connect are keen on supporting it. The work in the area of Open Science Cloud done up to now includes establishing a high level expert group on the European Open Science Cloud and a work programme for 2016-2017, which includes two calls for a pilot: the first is mostly for the user led initiatives and the second - to build services to support the OSC.

  • GÉANT OER update and ICT-22 call proposal - Peter Szegedi

    PS informed the TTC about a new call under the ICT programme (deadline - April next year), which is highly competitive, but relevant to possible continuation of the work that has been done so far in OER. At first, OER was a 9 month pilot that lead to a development of the aggregation engine and a portal, later picket up by GN4 - it is now a separate activity (SA8). It is expected to launch the OER portal by the end of the project. This area will not be funded in the 2nd phase of the GN4, but the service has more potential than a GN4 activity, so there is a need to look for funding elsewhere. PS is now working on creating a strong consortium, including commercials, libraries, universities that would create proposals - broader community needs to be involved.ICT  ICT is the closest opportunity to receive funding, however, there are other calls that are relevant and will be looked into. 

    VN suggested to get to know the reviewers and previously successful applicants. 

    VC: reminded to bring it to the attention of the GPPC.

  • TF-CPR update - Laura Dunford

    Task Force meeting was held in Cambridge in October. The members requested to have a clearer overview of other TFs and SIGs, on which LD gave a presentation. There was a brief discussion about a possibility that TF-CPR might have to become a SIG. Other discussions included Cloud Services (what is it that they need to know in order to be able to promote those services), raising the visibility of the trainingstraining, maintaining websites and blogs, and the future of the PeaR community news (still generated in the old TERENA way).

    One of the issues raised was user outreach - Cambridge office described some of their work, which made it clear that there are too many projects for a few people to cover. TF members took a tour of the NOC to better understand what they want to promote - Connect magazine article about NOC inter-operation is planned

    Reporting mechanisms of the work should be more coordinated in the future. Some of the ideas: 5 min update, quarterly reportreports, thematic updates, etc.

  • REFEDS Update - Nicole Harris

    REFEDS SC had a discussion about the VAT issue - due to REFEDS being recognized as a separate entity from GEANT, the Dutch tax authorities require REFEDS to pay VAT retrospectively. That leads to the cut of 20% and therefore a smaller work plan with less MM. 

    REFEDS SC are trying to look for ways to bring more sponsors in - Jisc and CESNET agreed to contribute, but more financing still needed. There is a possibility to move REFEDS to Kantara - this is also where the industry is sitting. Idea has been circulated for a while, but that never happened. 

    PSz: Could GÉANT look into possible solutions? Perhaps change the status of REFEDS like GLIF has requested (for example, become a TF or SIG)? 

    NC: SC wanted more information why it was decided, but GÉANT only provides a service for REFEDS, it is a separate global initiative. No intention to be 

  • TF-MNM - Nicole Harris

    Decision has been made to let it run out next September, as the TF is effectively dead and the Chair has no time to do it.


  • Review of the slides on the Middleware issues - Peter Schober 

    PSc reviewed the work on open Middleware issues (action item 20150708-03). The issues generally fall into 4 categories:
    - tried but didn't work
    - given up on (for now, may revisit)
    - currently being worked on (authorisation, e.g. operationable def of "academic"; entity categories; harmonisation of identifiers, attributes, data release, etc.)
    - potential new/future work items
    An example of "we tried this but didn't go anywhere" was the application domestication effort led by SURFnet, which proved to be not successful - perhaps the aims were not clear or it failed due to a general lack of interest. As for "given up on for now" maybe federated provisioning could be named, even though (partial) protocol and software support exists. Newer projects like and Swiss edu-ID (expanding the reach of federations to also include schools/K12 and lifelong learning) have aspects of data aggregation and provisioning across federated institutions (though not across federations). PSc will possibly follow up with SWITCH and SUNET about extracting "lessons learned" from eduID-style efforts.

    For potential work items: Question of the right layer, e.g. institution (were we're not represented nor visible) vs. NREN. Multi-factor authentication area as an example - can it be brought to Campus Best Practice? (Unless you're SURFconext where you can do things "in the hub"). Another idea is remote identity vetting for distant education, creating a framework that allows other academic institutions (located close to the distance leaners) verify identity. Guest accounts remains a problem for many (develop new technology or use existing one? Mention shutdown of the popular FEIDE OpenIDP per Jan 1st 2016). New issues are e.g. proper authentication to mobile devices (where entering complex passwords is hard and highly inconvenient). Their role as second authentication factor also has to be reviewed in cases where the mobile device is "all the factors" (i.e., it's being used as primary device to access resources, not as second factor to aid with secure authN on a PC/desktop/workstation).

    VC: Campus Best Practices are funded under GN4-1 and will not be continued in SGA2 as of today. A concrete proposal could be picked up by the GCP. New training coordinator has been hired to increase the outreach and training within GÉANT.

    VN: There is a need to discus these open issues somewhere. Vetting is for institutions and REFEDS is higher up on the abstraction layer (federations), so no intention to discuss vetting there.

    TTC will pick up the slides from Peter Sc.

3. Topics of Interest 

  • GRNET work on OSS/BSS and ITSM integration Yannis Mitsos
    YM presented an overview of the architecture. End-users can order services directly. L2 VPN service example was given. Decouple the OSS from the BSS, user only faces the later (via the one-stop-shop) during provisioning. All technologies are open source, will be made available to the community as abstract/modular as possible. It is not a huge software. The one-stop-shop jump portal is a commercial service at the moment though. This concept has been taken from the telecom word.

    SIG-NGN could be a platform for discussion, we have to catch up with telcos. Lots of NRENs haven't looked at the service scaling, which is why they have not thought about it yet. Manual procedures do not scale anymore. One has to have an UI portal with all the information (snapshot of all services available to Uni CIOs). It needs automated procedures at the back-end though. MD-VPN could be an example where such automated integrated service provisioning should happen at the GÉANT scale. GRNET is running this service in Beta to show an example. 

    YM could possibly give a demo of the service to the community at the next SIG-NGN preparation.

  • Report on operational aspect of service provisioning across e-Infrastructures David Groep
    DG shared the Dutch experience on e-Infrastructures. Incident response and authentication are examples for common set of topics among e-Infrastructures. User facing organizations have to deal with AUP. Common AUPs are important. The mandate to work together has been there since 2014. The Dutch came together 15 years ago and tried different approaches in attempt to find a sustainable model. 
    For example, storage from SURFsara, ownCloud from SURFnet and AAI from SURFconnext plus the community of SURF came together and got SURFdrive. In terms of funding, the bill should not appear at the researcher because they start shopping then and create silos. Researchers raise questions regarding European Open Science Cloud vs. Global, closed for a while, industry research, and what is cloud? PRACE is not in that paper, and PRECE is not that coherent. Users will go shopping if they did not get something - for that it is important to engage with the users early on and be pragmatic. Bottom up approach continues to work.  Furthermore, writing the proposal is as important as getting the money because it builds your community.

  • ICT2015 report and the "new world order" Michael Enrico

    H2020 funding opportunities - Michael Enrico


    ME informed the TTC that PPP and industry participation is being pushed by the new EC. Money is being shifted over to telcos, and especially into the well-funded 5G again. Integration and consolidation of e-Infrastructures, pulling out the research element and opening it up to new markets, SMEs. e-Infrastructures are going for EINFRA-22-2016 (part 2) Open Call programme - to do things together. Burgeno's video at ICT2015 is available. Spanish company has been selected by e-Infras (EGI, OpenAIRE, EUDAT, lately PRACE) to run the Open Calls on behalf of them. GA has to buy-in to this. About 50 beneficiaries could be funded and most of them can turn into real users afterwards.