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Focus: T&I, agile software development, idea prototyping, public speaking skills, mentorship

TIM (Trust and Identity Incubator Mentorship) Programme is an initiative that brings together ambitious young minds and GN4.3 T&I subject matters experts to pioneer and prototype new ideas in the Trust and Identity field.

TIM is a collaboration between subject matter experts (SME's and also known as content mentors) of WP5 T2 - T&I Incubator task, GLAD, NRENs (home mentors) and young professionals (participants) across Europe. The overall aim of the program it to deliver contribute to a viable and sustainable pipeline of T&I products and services for the GN4.3 project and ultimately, for the European NREN community.

Nominated by their home NREN, participants (and their home mentors) are integrated into the work of the T&I incubator right from the start. They collaborate directly with the Incubator SMEs on the topics provided by SME's. On this journey, they are mentored by the Incubator experts and the home NREN, and supported by GLAD. All participants are expected to present their final work or work in progress at the international event or conference advised by TIM SMEs. 

TIM takes place in the form of a paid internship where  where the participating NRENs and young professionals get reimbursed for the time dedicated to the T&I Incubator. The process of reimbursed and rates are defined by the financial rules of GN4.3 project.

The expected duration of each TIM programme cycle is 6 months, have two cycles per year. The . The important dates and deadlines of the process can be found below.

IntakeTIM intership internship start dateRecruitment opening dateRecruitment closing date




2nd30. Jun. 2020

3rd9. Feb. 2021

4th7. Sep. 2021

What is in it for the young professionals?

TIM offers participants a fantastic opportunity to join the development of the cutting edge solutions in the field of computer networking with a strong focus on Trust & Identity. It is a a unique learning and professional development opportunity that offers the following benefits:

  • a paid professional internship (can be combined with the thesis writing)
  • networking opportunities with the wide range of SMEs working in computer networks and NRENs
  • training and skills development in the fields of public speaking and agile software development (SCRUM)

Participant requirements are:

  • last year BA, Master's or PhD level students in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering or other technology related fields with the interest in computer networks
  • 6 months availability with an approximate workload of 3 days per week 
  • Excellent command of English language
  • All participants must be nominated by a home NREN

What is in it for the home NRENs?

TIM strengthens collaboration across European NRENs in developing new T&I products and services. It is an opportunity to foster the local T&I expertise, learn from experienced SMEs and expand the portfolio of services. It is also a chance to strengthen relationships with the member institutions as well as to identify promising young talents to join the NREN world. 

Home NREN requirements:   

  • be a member of GN4.3 project
  • be willing to facilitate and administer a paid internship based on the local HR/ legal requirements
  • be willing to mentor participants locally (for example, be a sounding board to the experience, provide a working space, introduce to the home NREN and NREN world in world in general)
  • have a manpower to support TIM with a workload of 1/2 - 1 day per week based on 6 month cycle

What is in it for GLAD?

GÉANT Learning and Development team (GLAD) is passionate about building, diversifying and strengthening capabilities of European NREN community. With the help of TIM, we hope to disseminate and build T&I competencies across Europe as well as to build the workforce of the future.

In course of TIM, GLAD is also committed to deliver the following skills to the TIM participants and mentors:

  • mentorship skills
  • public speaking skills
  • agile software development/ SCRUM training



NREN TIM application process

Step 1 Recruit* TIM participants

Step 2 Identify the home mentor

Step 3 Submit application by email to The nomination should include the following:

  • A TIM participant's CV
  • A TIM participant's Motivation letter explaining in a few paragraphs why they would like to take part in this initiative
  • An NREN motivation statement, a paragraph of why the TIM work is important and how the internship arrangement will work locally 

Step 4 Receive the results of the application process. The application process is managed by the TIM Selection Committee which consists of

  • a representative of WP5T2 , currently Niels van Dijk (SURFnet)
  • a representative of GLAD , currently Irina Mikhailava (GÉANT Association)
  • a representative of the community , currently (Ann Harding (SWITCH)

The Selection Committee is there to ascertain the level of participants' expertise and motivation to take part in the TIM challenge. It is also there to ensure that home NRENs are equipped to support the TIM participants.

Step 5 Formalise the internship with the TIM participant based on the local NREN rules

Step 6 Join the work of T&I incubator together with the TIM participant

*GLAD can provide materials and support with the recruitment process

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TIM Frequently Asked Questions  


June - Oct 2019Registration deadline 15 Oct 2019 (closed)
Nov-Apr 2019-2020Start Sprint + Internship on 12 Nov 2019
May 2020Coaching event speakers
June 2020Event Participation 


Promotion Resources Package (for NRENs)

Download materials for NRENs to promote the programme and recruit participants

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