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Work item




1Preparation of documentation

Service Description

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

RA21 Discovery Service Description 

Marina to give a try to document - talk to Outreach person for SPs Laura Paglione. She will be working to adapt the documentation from the github into docs that SPs can use. Marina to peer with her, and give her direct feedback - include Heather in this conversation as well. 

Service policy (Terms of use, SLA)

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

Terms of use are out of scope for service delivered by GEANT. It is responsibility of Example from InAcademia, and eduroam  Marina can check if there is something additional in the contract - especially about who responsibility it is to support the end-users. 
SLA should be defined between and GEANT. The beta service should be best effort (there could be some tension with the publishers though )
For the beta service, there is an MoU which is being signed. (update from 16 July - orcid the last one to sign, it should be done this week)

titleon HOLD

This should be done for the production service. The beta service is to test this out. 

Branding and Visibility

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

This is probably not relevant to the part of the service delivered by GEANT. It is responsibility of

Info from July 2019 from Heather: There will be a website soon - we now have a UX person contracted (Sean, Chicago), and that’s one of the things on his plate

Operational Requirements

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

RA21 Discovery Operational Requirements

Marina to check if anything needs to be updated or what is missing. 


-Development team prepares

-SO and GEANT T&I operation support/Core team sign off

RA21 Discovery Operational Level Agreements (OLA)

This is between SUNET and GEANT.

Marina to set this up based on the InAcademia OLA. 

Operational documentation

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

RA21 Discovery Operational Documentation

Marina to set this up based on the OLA. 

Operational processes

-Development team prepares

-SO signs off

RA21 Discovery Operational Processes

Change management, Incident response, ... 

Marina to find the TMF questionnaires to use them.

User documentation

Who is responsible for this?

In scope for seamless access. 

Who are the users - also needs to be clearly defined. Seamless access provide service to the SPs, and they provide support to the users. 

User support

Who is responsible for this? 

In scope for seamless access. 

GDPR - data inventory, privacy notice, DPA

-GDPR team +SO + technical architect

-GDPR accountable and SO signs off

We should clarify the roles regarding the GDPR.  We thing that  GEANT and SUNET are data controller, and then probably no DPA is needed. CDNs are data processors. But we would to provide the privacy notice.  

2Test and validation

Make a test plan

Development team and Test team prepares

Talk to Marcin and understand the requirements for testing first.

Code testing would be needed as well. - Marina to check with Marcin what can be done, and ask for the schedule. This is all Leifs code - we need to pull him in where he sees that testing is needed, when it will be available for testing.  

Pen/Security would be needed - Marina can check with the project if we can get somebody from carnet and DFN to do.

From the MoU:

Implement and test the Beta service to ensure its stability, functionality, security, usability, broad applicability, and fitness for purpose as described in this MoU. 

3IPR compliance checking

IPR compliance

IPR accountable + SO + technical architect 

Route the request through GEANT T&I operation support/Core team

To whoom the IPR belongs to ? Needs discussion. 

Magda looked in the IPR - look to the MoU.  

4GDPR compliance checkingGDPR accountable

Data inventory and mapping

-GDPR team +SO + technical architect

-GDPR accountable and SO signs off

Hopefully this will be easy as the service is privacy perserving. The only one could be the IP address. Marina will ask will start with the data inventory and reslove the ip address question as well. 

 Privacy notice and DPA

-GDPR team +SO + technical architect

-GDPR accountable and SO signs off

5Operational team establishment

Appoint service ownerWP5 leadersDone. The service owner is responsible for service as delivered via GEANT project.

Define roles, skills, manpower neededDevelopment teamWe need to check this with what, but if we deliver a service then it is our internal matter.

Appoint operational team members

Service Owner


6Operational team training

Training the operational team

Not needed
7Support team establishment

Establish the support team

Will be provided by seamless access, out of scope for GEANT

8Support team training

Training of the support team

Will be provided by seamless access, out of scope for GEANT
9Deployment in production environment

Monitoring set up

Operations team based on the requirements from the technical lead and SO

SO signs off when implemented

Need to define which kind of metrics we can take so that we measure how much the service is used. Marina and Heather need to talk to Leif.

Can we do something in monitoring to support the MoU: 

Implement and test the Beta service to ensure its stability, functionality, security, usability, broad applicability, and fitness for purpose as described in this MoU.

Gather evidence on the utility of the Beta service and its impact in current access workflows with respect to the goals of the Coalition

Back-up and restore

Operations team based on the requirements from the technical lead and SO

SO signs off when implemented


Operations team based on the requirements from the technical lead and SO

SO signs off when implemented

One PoP is provided by SUNET.

Second PoP will be deployed on AWS, in two different regions. 


Operations team based on the requirements from the technical lead and SO

SO signs off when implemented




10Service Promotion

NA, responsibility of the seamless access

Will be provided by seamless access, out of scope for GEANT.

Outreach person for SPs Laura Paglione ( Feel free to reach out to her if you have questions or ideas.

11PLM Documentation

TBD if applicable

Other notes: the success criteria - what do we consider to be the success criteria for the project, from the GEANT side.