After discussions with the organising committee for this event and the Executive Leadership team at GÉANT, we have taken the decision to cancel the Town Hall. Whilst there are no specific reasons why travel to Stockholm should be impacted, the situation regarding business travel decisions is changing daily, many organisations have implemented a travel ban and we wanted to make a clear decision so people can manage their plans and make appropriate cancellations. We hope to reschedule the meeting later in 2020.
The meeting has now be rescheduled to the 27 Oct - 28 Oct 2020.
24 Mar, 09:00 - 25 Mar, 17:00, 2020 27 October, 09:00 - 28, October, 17:00
Hotel Birger
Jarl Tulegatan 8
Registration details for the original event can be found atThe T&I Town Hall has been cancelled and we are encouraging people to participate in the the Internet2 TechExtra event: https://eventrwww.geantinternet2.orgedu/news-events/3250. A placeholder for the new meeting can be found at: https://eventr.geant.org/events/3307. events/techextra-2020/.
Tuesday 24th March 2020: 09:00 - 17:00