Serial Number | Namespace | Purpose | Entity | Contact | Date Registered | Registry URL |
1 | urn: | eduGAIN namespace. | GÉANT Project | eduGAIN Team | 24/10/2007 | Reserved |
2 | urn: | Support the activities of RedIRIS, the Spanish NREN. | RedIRIS | Javier Masa | 12/10/2007 | |
3 | urn: | Czech Academic Identity Federation. | CESNET | 7/11/2007 updated: 18/01/2018 | ||
4 | urn: | Support the activities of SWITCH, the Swiss NREN. | SWITCH | Lukas Hämmerle | 7/11/2007 | |
5 | urn: | Hungarian Research & Education Federation. | NIIF | 18/12/2007 | https://wiki.niif.hu/URN | |
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7 | urn: | delegation to DFN community and internal usage (AAI and other). | DFN-Verein | Raoul Borenius Wolfgang Pempe | 03/03/2008 | |
8 | urn: | Danish ID federation for higher education and research. | WAYF | 27/03/2008 | ||
9 | urn: | Delegation to FCCN community and internal usage (AAI and other). | FCCN | João Nuno Ferreira | 30/04/2008 | |
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11 | urn: | Support the activities of AMRES, the Serbian NREN. | AMRES | Pavle Vuletic | 27/10/2010 | |
12 | urn:geant:nikhef.nl | Identification of attribute values for distributed collaboration services. | Nikhef | David Groep, Dennis van Dok | 03/05/2016 | |
13 | urn:geant:eduteams.org | Supporting group management within the eduteams service. | GN4 | eduteams-support@lists.geant.org | 18/09/2017 | https://www.geant.org/Innovation/eduteams |
14 | urn:geant:elixir-europe.org | Identification of attribute values used for expressing ELIXIR. | ELIXIR | 04/10/2017 | ||
15 | urn:geant:lifescience-ri.eu | Identification of attribute values used for expressing Life Science membership/groups. | CESNET | support@lifescience-ri.eu | 08/01/2018 | |
16 | urn:geant:openaire.eu | To support the management of group membership and role information of OpenAIRE users. | University of Athens | aai@openaire.eu | 26/01/2018 | http://www.uoa.gr/ |
17 | urn:geant:eudat.eu | To support group management and role information for EUDAT users. | EUDAT | 23/04/2018 | TBA | |
18 | urn:geant:dariah.eu | To support group management for DARIAH AAI users | DARIAH | register@dariah.eu | 24/07/2018 | TBA |
19 | urn:geant:h-df.de | namespace for expressing group membership and resource specific entitlements for the Helmholtz-Data-Federation | Helmholtz-Data-Federation | hardt@kit.edu | 15/11/2018 | http://urn.data.kit.edu/kit |
20 | urn:geant:kit.edu | expressing group membership and resource specific entitlements for kit.edu | KIT | hardt@kit.edu | 09/02/2019 | http://urn.data.kit.edu/kit |
21 | urn:geant:muni.cz | Identification of attribute values used for expressing membership/groups at Masaryk University | Masaryk University | idp@ics.muni.cz | 11/06/2019 | https://www.muni.cz/en/ |
22 | urn:geant:helmholtz.de | Namespace for expressing group membership and resource specific entitlements for helmholtz AAI | Helmholtz | hardt@kit.edu | 09/02/2021 | http://urn.data.kit.edu/helmholtz |
23 | urn:geant:myaccessid | MyAccessID URN namespace | GÉANT | support@eduteams.org | 28/06/2021 | https://wiki.geant.org/display/MyAccessID/URN |
24 | urn:geant:projectescape.eu | Support the activities of EOSC-Future | CERN | 28/07/2022 | TBA |