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WP1 - Management


1. We must improve our project management practices (delegation, escalation, load distribution)! 

  • Continue weekly/bi-weekly WP leaders call on Wednesdays at 14.30 CET to set the priorities.

  • Agreements and decisions must be communicated by WP leaders down to the WP participants on the dedicated mailing lists (proper subject fields).

  • Clear responsibilities at the Tasks' levels; task ownership, deadlines, reporting lines.

  • WPs are fully empowered to make decisions within their WPs; follow priorities, escalate as appropriate.

  • Regular WP calls must be announced (calendar invites, email notifications) and organized by the WP leaders.

  • Critical paths must be identified; with dependencies, reporting lines, deadlines. Who talks to who!

  • Mailing lists must be kept up-to-date, Trello tickets must be updated, Wiki information must be populated. WP leaders' responsibility!

  • WPs are encouraged to call for small (4-5 people) face-to-face meetings as they see appropriate.

2. Paper-based review documents have been submitted to the EC by 26 January 2018. We'll be hearing back from the reviewers in about two weeks.

3. Next coming face-to-face GA meeting, technical workshop and EC review preparation will be on the second week of July in Poznan, Poland kindly hosted by PSNC.


  • EC review will most likely happen in the end of summer (TBC).
  • In the fall, we can meet in Rome, Italy (TBC).

WP2 - Communications


1. Always notify WP2 list if you are planing to submit an Up2U related paper or any other contribution to a conference/event in advance and not after the fact.

2. Sub-groups must be activated with clear responsibilities and reporting line:

  • a) Web team (led by <...INSERT_NAME...> @ KIFU) reporting to Barbara
  • b) Moodle team (led by Nadav @ IUCC) reporting to Barbara
  • c) Video production team (led by Nelson @ FCT) reporting to Barbara
  • d) Social media team (led by Antonio @ ISEP) reporting to Barbara


WP2-1. On Barbara to work with the WP5 team (Nadia @ UROMA) creating a poster/flyer with the nicely visualized results of the pedagogy results. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP2-2. On Barbara to write and distribute a generic Up2U project snippet (max. half-a-page) that partners can use (copy & paste) into press releases and other communication materials. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP2-3. On Barbara to make sure that the "communications package" is up-to-date and accessible. Participants can prepare for conferences (maintain the list) and pilot school engagements.

WP3 - Cloud infrastructure services


1. There are 3 Moodle instances available:

  • a) Technology testing: experimental technology, used by Up2U developers, closed for external users.
  • b) Pedagogy testing: proven technology, used by Up2U course developer and training people, open for teachers only
  • c) Production platform: proven technology, used by Up2U admins, open for all external users (teachers, course creators, students).

2. GWDG WebSSO is moving to production (MVP#1). The production service roll out must be managed professionally (maintenance window, announcements, etc.) by the WP7-WP3 cross-teams.

3. All services that require authentication must use the GWDG WebSSO. There is a Github description about on-boarding of new services into the WebSSO. Task owner is Ralph @ GWDG, reporting to Ilias.

4. We use the Authorization features of Moodle (MVP#1). All services should query Moodle's web service end-point for authorization information. (Must be tested with CERNbox) Task owner Nadav @ IUCC, reporting to Ilias.

5. Pilot schools (school administrators/teachers) will be asked to provide AuthN and AuthZ information for their users:

  • a) If they use Moodle, we can get the information from there.
  • b) If they don't use Moodle, we need a .CVS file with user IDs and group information provided by them.

6. CERNbox @ PSNC is moving to production (MVP#1). Describe current limitations: only one way from CERNbox to Moodle, upload to Moodle ends up in Moodle. Task owner Enrico @ CERN and Michal @ PSNC both reporting to Ilias.

7. eduOER and PuMuKIT plug-in integration is already in production (MVP#1). Task owner Vicente @ TELTEK reporting to Ilias.

8. DSpace and its Moodle integration is already in production (MVP#1). Kostas is looking after both eduOER aggregation engine (connecting new repositories) and the DSpace "homeless" repository. Task owner is Kostas @ GRNET reporting to Ilais.


9. GWDG WebSSO next developments (next MVPs):

  • - email verification
  • - cluster set-up
  • - monitoring
  • - stress testing
  • - account linking

Task owner is Ralph @ GWDG, reporting to Ilias.

10. Authorization and group management next steps (next MVPs)

  • - investigate proxy approach, i.e. Moodle exposing AuthZ info to the LDAP
  • - investigate external group management services: CoManage (eduTEAMS) or Grouper, (KIFU)

11. CERNbox next developments (next MVPs):

  • - develop proper Moodle plugin to improve user work-flow
  • - high availability deployment
  • - performance optimization

12. Vanilla ownCloud @ GWDG next developments (next MVPs)

  • - roll out vanilla ownCloud as a choice to users in production

13. eduOER-Moodle integration is going "FilePicker-less" (next MVPs):

  • - new Paella player @ TELTEK - handles no Flash!
  • - xAPI and LTI integration of the player
  • - switch over to the new player
  • - non-media content viewing (PDF, DOC, etc...)


WP3-1. On Ralph to make the final fixes on the GWDG WebSSO solution, freeze the developments, describe the limitations of the MVP, and move the solution into production. Reporting to Ilias. Deadline 7 February.

WP3-2. On Allan to make the necessary configuration changes on all 3 Moodle instances using the GWDG WebSSO. Reporting to Ilais. Deadline 7 February.

WP3-3. On Nadav to describe the 4 user roles (teacher, student, course creator, school administrator) and access rights needed. Create and distribute the .CVS template (well-commented) that we can give to pilot school administrators. Reporting to Ilias. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP3-4. Test CERNbox service with both AuthN via GWDG WebSSO and AuthZ via Moodle end-point. Provide documentation of the process. Task owner Michal/Enrico reporting to Ilias. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP3-5. Officially roll out and announce the first MVP (MVP#1) including:

  • GWDG WebSSO to all services
  • Moodle production instance (inbuilt Authentication)
  • eduOER and PuMuKIT plugin
  • CERNbox to Moodle (integrated with SWAN)
  • DSpace to Moodle
  • Tools (see WP4): SelCont, Jupyter NB, H5P, WebRTC

Responsible person is Michal @ PSNC (WP7), supported by Ilias (WP3) and Allan (WP4). Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP4 Toolbox


1. Get the following tools ready for MVP#1: PuMuKIT, SelCont, Jupyter NB, H5P, WebRTC (KnockPlop). Task owner Allan @ OC, supported by Michal.

2. Start investigating the following tools for potential integration (next MVPs): Personal Recorder, WebTUT, WebRTC ( Collaborative Document Editing (OnlyOffice @ CERN, Collabora @ ownCloud), Live streaming. Task owner Allan @ OC.

3. Bring in all the pedagogy aspects and start collecting and classifying the web-scale tools for the defined Up2U pedagogy: web tools for formal, non-formal and informal learning support. Task owner Eli @ IUCC, reporting to Allan.


WP4-1. On Allan to make sure that the MVP#1 applications are properly configured in all 3 Moodle instances. Reporting to Ilias. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP5 Pedagogy


1. Core competencies and transversal skills have been defined:

  • a) Socio skills (collaboration, problem solving)
  • b) Cognitive skills (critical thinking, language)
  • c) Character-based skills (autonomy, motivation, flexibility)
  • d) Knowledge skills (Multimedia and Information Literacy, Digital IT)

2. Moodle as an LMS platform seemed to be a good choice for the MVP#1 as most of the pilot schools and their teachers are confident with using Moodle.

3. Agreed to wrap technology around the pedagogy. Create templates for the desired learning paths. Key pedagogy models that Up2U promotes are:

  • a) Project Based Learning
  • b) Flipped classroom
  • c) Scenario-based Learning
  • d) Peer-to-Peer/Social Learning

It is our challenge to map pedagogy and models with the technologies that support them the best!

4. Training development should start immediately. Task owner is Mary @ NTUA, reporting to Stefano. Develop materials for a common on-line training course for teachers and also templates for the national face-to-face school workshops/trainings.

5. Agreed to start with 4 pilot countries/communities in the spring of 2018: Greece, Italy, Poland and CERN. These partners should progress with their own schools' engagements and teacher trainings/developments as planned. Coordination is needed at the project level to make sure that the developed models, templates, work-flows, learning paths and materials (i.e. meta-course) will be reusable by other partners. Task leader in Stefano @ UROMA with the help of Gabriella and Mary. (Italian-Greek collaboration!)

6. Next pilot countries getting ready are: Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, Germany and Spain.

7. SMC and national sub-Committees must be created in the first pilot countries. Task owner Mary @ NTUA reporting to Stefano.

8. Good practices for pilot implementations:

  • Identify your trainers (internal or external/contracted)
  • Engage with national partners working with the schools community otherwise. Make them motivated to help Up2U.
  • Develop a lot of practical examples and hands-ons and less content. Focus on the models, frameworks and methodology.


WP5-1. On Eli and Nadav to look into existing templates for learning models, conceptual templates and fully developed ready to use courses. Task owner Eli @ IUCC reporting to Stefano. Deadline <...INSERT_DATE...>

WP5-2. Develop the skeleton of an introductory common on-line training course (meta-course) for teachers. Make content ready (look into existing Deliverables, identify chunks, create lessons, get tools' descriptions, demo videos, etc.) Task owner Mary @ NTUA reporting to Stefano.

WP5-3. On Mary/Gabriella/Stefano to make sure that the results of the early Italian-Greek pilots are available and reusable. Deadline by early summer (not later than the Poznan meeting):

  • Make common meta-course available to other pilot countries
  • Adopt content over summer (localization, translation, train the trainers)
  • Start training and experimenting before the fall semester starts in all 8 pilot countries!

WP7 pilot coordination


1. We need to follow GDPR! Sign agreement (MoU) with pilot schools to clarify the responsibilities an boundaries. Yes, we do collect personal information but only for the agreed purposes and we process and manage that information according to GDPR (erasure, access control, on-line consent forms, etc.).

2. Test the platform portability with CERN. Replicate the Up2U ecosystem in their environment. Other partners interested in the portability pilots should learn from that experience. Documentations! Task owner is Michal @ PSNC.

3. Operations procedures, technical pilot coordination, ticketing, monitoring, version upgrades (continual improvements), etc. must be documented and managed. Task owner in Michal @ PSNC.


WP7-1. On Michal to support the MVP#1 release and first pilot launch, in close coordination with WP2, WP3 and WP4.

WP6 Security & Privacy and WP8 Sustainability tasks and orthogonal to the other project activities. We have not discussed them in detail in Athens.

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