Agenda and slides: GN4-3 WP5T2 Trust and Identity Incubator Kickoff meeting Feb 05 2019.pdf


  • Niels
  • Michael
  • Jule
  • Halil
  • Sergio
  • Henri
  • Janne
  • Lukas
  • Branko
  • Tamas
  • Uros
  • Brook
  • Mario
  • Marina
  • Andreas
  • Marcus
  • Vango

-General Agenda

Note: Work Package 5: Trust & Identity

Q: Is the improvement of data protection and privacy of T&I services an Incubator goal?
A: The Incubator itself is not concerned about services, since this is part of the various service tasks. However, each Incubator activity (potential service) should consider data protection (especially GDPR requirements). 

Q: What time effort is expected for a P.I.?
A: If possible, 0.5 FTE. But we'll have to figue this out based on former activities etc

Q: How do the activities collaborate?
A:  It is not the intent to follow all activties. The sprint demo is a very good opportunity to collaborate/get to know other activties.

Q: What about activities that influence an existing service?
A: We include people from other work packages/tasks into the Incubator development if necessary. If an incubator activity is about an existing service, ideally one representative of this service acts as Principle Investigator. There is no reason not to collaborate with people not involved in the Incubator task.

Q: Is it possible to transfer an ended activity to another group even outside GÉANT?
A: Yes, if possible. It is seen as a success as well if another group can follow up with our work.

Q: What will be the All-hands meetings about?
A: Just organizational issues, technical topics are to be discussed during the weekly standup and monthly demo.

Q: Can external people be involved for (discovery pilot / HSM) implementation?
A: Currently, we try to figure out how to involve external parties into the Incubator. It might of course be necessary to involve technical experts or other people from for example the service activity. We try to enable this within the work package.

Q: If the Sprint starts in March, what do the teams do in the meanwhile?
A: The kickoff VC start already in February and the teams will start preparing the Activity Backlog and other stuff in advance. 

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