Use this template to capture the Incubator project.

Project overview

Contact data

Please provide contact details for GN4-3 project participants involved in this activity

Submitter name & email:Niels


Other participants

Scrum master



Contact data of Parties involved

Please provide names and contact details for additional (external) organisations involved in this Incubator project

Organisation Name
Person names
Person emailRole within pilot


Implement the recoomandation to test how taht works out for this implementation

Provide feedback to the OIRDre group on what we encounter

I (Janne) took an existing shibboleth idp example resolver as a basis and added oidc encoders there. There are few questions there that arise. When presenting a scoped value, do we want to retain the scope also in the oidc claim value or not? It may have not semantical meaning but it is not forbidden either.  Both can be done. Second question while drafting this was how to present claims that may be expected to be multi valued like affiliation. Should those be presented as one string or presented as array?


My initial impression is that if these few finer details are set, like how we want to present the values, atleast with this shibboleth idp extension the document may be implemented. I still need to build a live example.

Pilot goals

Please describe the goals of pilot, including activities, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the pilot is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way.

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Project Details

Technical details

Please describe the technical details for this pilot.

<Enter here>

Business case

What is the business case for this Incubator project? Who would be customers of this solution and what would potential business case look like?

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Data protection & Privacy

How do data protection and privacy impact this Incubator project? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users

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Definition of Done (DoD)

Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished.

<Enter here>


When this Incubator project is completed, do you intend to continue using the solution? If yes, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? (E.g. through own staff, by using an e-Infrastructure provider, ...)

<Enter here>






January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting


(Attach any documents to this page to get them listed.)

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