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  • Status Updates of work items (FOD/RepShield/CT)
      • FoD v1.5 pilot preparations
      • FoD v1.6 pilot
      • Deliverable D8.4 "Certificate Transparency Log Production Service_v1"
  • Status of DDoS Detection/Mitigation WG
      • Generic NREN/Multi-Domain Fastnetmon Usage Proposal
  • F2F-Meeting-Planning:
      • location: Prague
      • date: 21-22.11.2017 (2 half days meeting)
  • GEANT Symposium, 03-04.10.2017, Budapest
  • Review Open Action Points from last VC(s)
  • AOB

Discussion items


Firewall On Demand (FoD)
  • (info page for FoD development
  • FoD v1.5 = FoD with new functionalities: rule range specification, current rule behavior statistic graphs, multi-tenant rule control REST-API
  • FoD v1.6 = FoD with automated rule proposal from RepShield
  • FoD v1.5 pilot installation
      • Missing pysnmp requirement was installed by Puppet engineer
      • Unprecedented issues happened at new UAT machine and on test machine, investigation by Tomáš revealed that this was caused by wrong config and now solved issues with beanstalk daemon on which FoD is depending on.
  • Other FoD v1.5 pilot preparations
      • Existing user documentation (as presentation document) update currently in progress
      • Excel sheet for pilot acceptance criteria reviewed
      • Pilot evaluation survey which was of used for FoD v1.1 has to be reviewed and updated for v1.5
      • Finally, Evangelos will prepare an introduction mail for designated pilot users
  • FoD v1.5 production service documents
      • Now for the future production phase of FoD v1.5 (and all further versions) all necessary PLM documents have to be prepared, e.g. CBA, service description, service design plan
      • Especially for the operative documents this will be done in close cooperation of Evangelos
      • For most PLM documents, this will be done by filling the FoD service template wiki pages ( which David started to fill
      • Evangelos will check the service template to get acquainted with it
  • FoD v1.6 (with RepShield) development/testing/pilot:
      • Issues with FlowMon delivering NSHaRP events to Warden connector have to be investigated

DDoS Detection/Mitigation (D/M) WG


  • Silvia/Nino will report progress via mail

A10 with FlowMon PoC in GÉANT

  • initial config (e.g. so-called UDP/TCP zones) done in cooperation with help of A10
  • expected to be ready in 2-3 weeks, lasting 1 month
  • interested NRENs/institutions can take part (their subnets being monitored/informed about/protected)
        • Tomáš: CESNET NoC could be interested
  • maybe, to also have T6 inside view, Silvia/Nino could take part, to investigate usefulness and applicability (e.g. concept, workflow, tools, support) of PoC from users side

  • Warden/RepShield VM for FoD v1.6 pilot (compare above)
        • now receives events from CESNET warden, but not all, only sampled before of performance issues
  • RepShield/NERD development: AS number support improved
      • (before: only IP addresses/prefixes in stored events have been statically mapped to their AS)
      • now: regular polling of association between AS and IP prefixes in general
      • => basis for effective grouping of events by AS and reputation score for AS as a whole
      • idea: similarly improve existing GEO location support, e.g. for map visualizations

Certificate Transparency (CT)

Reference documentation for CT server v1.0 is progressing

Deliverable M8.4 "CT Production Service"

F2F Meeting Planning

GEANT Symposium, 02-05.10.2017, Budapest
  • Everybody in T6 is invited to come there
  • Time is 03-04.10.2017
  • Registration at
  • There will be a "Network Monitoring and Management" session where
          • Evangelos will present about NSHaRP and FoD (10min)
          • David will present about other parts of T6, i.e., mainly RepShield and CT (10min)
          • Afterwards a 15-min discussion will follow

eduVPN proposal
  • Proposal for eduVPN, a unified approach for the possibility and provisioning of VPN-connectivity to home organization

from any foreign organizations is in preparation.

Open Points

Next VC

 29.11.2017, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T, due to Symposium and David being on holiday, public holiday in germany, SC2017

Action items

  • Evangelos: again review UAT FoD
  • David/Evangelos: update of user documentation presentation for FoD v1.5
  • David/Evangelos: review/update existing pilot evaluation survey
  • Evangelos: check the FoD service template ( to get acquainted with it
  • Evangelos: prepare an pilot phase introduction mail for the FoD v1.5 pilot users when everything else for FoD v1.5 pilot is ready
  • Tomáš: send some recommendations for hotels for F2F meeting
  • Linus/Magnus: check draft of deliverable sent via mail
  • Linus/Magnus: check the CT service template ( to get acquainted with it
  • Silvia/Nino: think about NREN-generic/Multi-Domain use-cases for DDoS PoC; add a section to their PoC proposal document about this
  • Silvia/Nino: report progress on GARR DDoS D/M PoC via mail
  • all: Register for GEANT Symposium (03-04.10.2017) at
  • all: Next regular T6 VC: 29.11.2017, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T

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