Incident description

On 17th of February 2020, RSS Feed on our SharePoint Servers suffered an outage with the message

"The requested RSS feed could not be displayed. Please verify the settings and url for this feed. If this problem persists, please contact your administrator."

This was a message from SharePoint informing us that RSS feed could not be displayed. 

Incident severity: Medium

Data loss: NO

Affected Services 

Following services were affected


TLS 1.2 was enabled on SharePoint server but supporting .Net 4.6 framework was not upgraded from .Net 4.5 for TLS 1.2 to function correctly. 

We are still investigating when TLS was enabled in the farm and was it part of any Windows upgrade/Patch/kb installation.


In order to display RSS feed in SharePoint page, we upgraded .Net 4.5 Framework to .Net 4.6 and RSS Feed started functioning correctly.

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