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This page is for sharing ideas and best practices in communication around the COVID-19 pandemic, how it is affecting the NREN and R&E communities, and how GÉANT and NRENs are responding / can respond to provide each other with support and information.


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6 March 2020internal, staffemailEVENTS / TRAVELGÉANT Finance

Dear Colleagues

In light of recent developments regarding COVID-19 we are anticipating a significant number of travel and events (organised internally,  by GÉANT Association) to be cancelled or postponed.

In all instances steps need to be taken to mitigate the financial impact on GÉANT.

In order to manage the process of claiming (or via insurance) “cancelled” costs (i.e. costs relating to activity that will not take place, which ordinarily would not be claimable from an EC funded project), it will be extremely helpful if colleagues could assist in the following way:

If your trip or event is cancelled, please contact the relevant person below to inform them of any cancelled events/ travel:

  • Cancelled events / workshops/ meetings that the Association has organised and is paying for directly – NAMES

**this is mainly aimed at Event organisers**

Please provide the PO’s that have been allocated for the event.

If a separate contract was signed after the PO (i.e. venue hire) please send a copy of the signed document. 

A list of expected attendees will also be required.

  • Cancelled travel – In most cases it should be possible for you to cancel travel arrangements and obtain a full refund. If that is not possible please contact NAMES to provide the document numbers raised for conference fees where applicable.

This request has no impact on those working outside GÉANT Association, i.e. those working for NRENs.

I appreciate that this is adding a little more overhead at a time when due to COVID-19 things are already pretty stressful. Your help in this respect is much appreciated and will ensure that the financial impact to GÉANT from COVID-19 will be mitigated to as large an extent as possible.


5 March 2020external, general, publicwebsiteGENERAL

GÉANT Marcomms

The GÉANT Association continues to closely monitor advice and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and from Dutch and UK governments regarding the coronavirus.

GÉANT's Health and Safety Committee utilises this information in decision-making regarding international travel and other considerations.

We will continue to support our partners in the most effective way possible whilst ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff and the wider GÉANT Community.
5 March 2020external, general, publicwebsiteEVENTS / TRAVEL

GÉANT Marcomms

GÉANT and Jisc remain committed to TNC20 with unchanged enthusiasm and dedication. To provide additional time before registering, the Early Bird registration has been extended to 31 March 2020.
5 March 2020external, general, publicwebsiteOPERATIONS

GÉANT Marcomms

GÉANT operations are closely monitoring the situation in all countries where GÉANT network POP locations exist. We are following WHO advice regarding international travel relating to these locations. Network Operations Centre activity in the UK is unaffected and all non-essential travel by NOC staff has been suspended.

The situation is not currently affecting existing network services to the NREN and R&E community. Fault rectification and associated first line maintenance activities are outsourced and performed by in-country resources and therefore are not reliant on GÉANT engineering staff to travel.

Until more clarity exists, planned physical Network Architecture changes and upgrades have been largely suspended. Only service-critical changes will be performed using GÉANT operations staff who will observe all advice regarding minimising risk of exposure.

Should in-country travel by 3rd party engineering resource be restricted by the respective national government authorities or otherwise, then GÉANT operations will inform the local NREN and discuss any mitigation measures.

GÉANT operations continue to monitor the situation and are regularly in communication with key suppliers of equipment, logistics and engineering services and will inform users of any significant changes to the current approach. has been close liaison between marcomms and the operational teams regarding this messaging. The ops team has also sent its own messages to its contacts.
2 March 2020internal, staffSlack internalGENERALGÉANT ExecUPDATE TO ALL STAFF REGARDING CORONAVIRUS Sent on behalf of the Health and safety Committee: We previously communicated on the Coronavirus on 3rd February as per the original mail below, the H&S Committee met today to agree on an update to all staff. Whilst advice from the World Health Organisation has not substantially changed it is clear that many have concerns regarding the virus and how it may affect us and the recent outbreaks in Europe have added to these concerns. In response to concerns about the safety of travel, whether by air or public transport, we would like to share the following information from the WHO website on the current understanding of how the virus is transmitted and suggest that you review the sections highlighted below.
·        How does COVID-19 spread?
·        What can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of the disease?
·        How likely am I to catch COVID-19?
·        Should I worry about COVID-19?This also provides some general information on travelling during the coronavirus outbreak: immediate effect all staff are to conduct a Travel Risk Assessment for all European Travel – the purpose of this step is to ensure that staff are considering the very latest information on travel safety location by location as recommended by their respective Government. In addition to conducting a travel risk assessment, there is also a need for staff to continue to monitor the advice on safety of travel right up to the date of travel. Staff will also be required to consider the risks to return travel should an outbreak of the virus occur in their location. There is no expectation that staff will be required to travel on business unless they feel entirely comfortable and safe with the arrangements for the travel required. The Travel Risk Assessment form and information can be found here who decide to travel must be in good health and not in any of the health risk groups identified (see – Who is at risk of developing severe illness?). Travellers should pay particular attention to regularly and thoroughly cleaning their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water, particularly before eating – small bottles of hand sanitiser are in our offices and staff can take one with them for travel.For staff who have already booked European travel and not conducted a risk assessment they should now complete a travel risk assessment and consider all risks appropriately up to the day of their travel and as above consider the implications on return travel to establish whether or not travel remains safe and appropriate for them.Given that a significant number of organisations are now choosing to cancel international events, even outside of affected areas, staff are advised to consider their planned participation very carefully, and where there may be uncertainty of an event going ahead. Where relevant, staff should give consideration to cancellation costs of flights etc. and possible use of flexible booking terms where available.Whilst considering how these measures may affect GÉANT, staff are advised that any initial concerns about the impact of Coronavirus on business travel or travel to work by public transport or attendance in our offices should ideally be discussed first with their line manager, however HR staff and members of the H&S Committee can also be approached if required.These arrangements will remain in place until further notice and are subject to change. The H&S Committee will continue to monitor and evaluate any changes in advice from National and International bodies monitoring the Virus. The Committee are also considering how best to ensure business continuity should the effects of the Virus become more serious or widespread.Further updates from the H&S Committee will follow over forthcoming days. (edited)
Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)
WHO is continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. This Q&A will be updated as more is known about COVID-19, how it spreads and how it is affecting people worldwide. For more information, check back regularly on WHO’s coronavirus pages. is continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. This Q&A will be updated as more is known about COVID-19, how it spreads and how it is affecting people worldwide. For more information, check back regularly on WHO’s coronavirus pages. is continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. Th… Show more 
1 March 2020external, NREN communitymeeting registration pagesEVENTS / TRAVELGÉANT staff (various)

Information on COVID-19

Whilst advice from the World Health Organisation has not substantially changed it is clear that many have concerns regarding the virus and how it may affect us and the recent outbreaks in Europe have added to these concerns.

In response to concerns about the safety of travel, whether by air or public transport, we would like to share the following information from the WHO website on the current understanding of how the virus is transmitted and suggest that you review the sections highlighted below.

Advice from WHO

  • How does COVID-19 spread?
  • What can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of the disease?
  • How likely am I to catch COVID-19?
  • Should I worry about COVID-19?

There is further information on travelling during the coronavirus outbreak

GÉANT is actively monitoring the WHO advice and the situation in general in locations where GÉANT meetings are planned and will keep in contact with participants if the situation changes. Please do talk to your own organisations about their advice to employees on travel.

28 Feb 2020internal, staffemailEVENTS / TRAVELGÉANT Finance

Dear Colleagues,

Given the developing situation with the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), with immediate effect, and until further notice, all new travel bookings (all modes of travel, including by train and plane) will be suspended to provide a duty of care to all staff and avoid unnecessary cancellation costs in the future.

Although at this time, there are no formal reasons not to travel, we note that many people in our community are cancelling travel to various meetings and asking for VC alternatives. Therefore, travel planning for future meetings is to be suspended until we have more clarity on developments. Our account with our travel agency has been temporarily suspended. Please note, this temporary travel ban applies to all future bookings.

If you have already made a booking, please ensure that you monitor the

to determine if it is safe to continue with your travel plans/meetings. Please remember that risk assessments for all visits that have already been booked to all destinations must be undertaken.   

There is no expectation that staff who have already booked their travel will be required to travel on business unless they feel entirely comfortable and safe with the arrangements for the travel required. 

Staff will continue to be informed regarding the impact of Coronavirus on GÉANT operations, and specifically in relation to forthcoming events.

Please let me, or your manager or any member of the Exec know if you have any queries regarding the above.

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