• Service name - Short localised service name; from mdui:DisplayName; in the user's language if available, otherwise, default to English if available, but also offer other available languages
  • Description - Localised one-paragraph description; from mdui:Description
  • Registrar* - The available registrar information or at least the source of the presented information (who may be an intermediary, e.g., a federation, and not the actual registrar; from mdrpi:RegistrationInfo
  • Logo - From mdui:Logo; can also be multilingual (if there are some cultural adjustments text in the graphics)
  • Access URL* - Currently from md:EntityDescriptor entityID; the actual access URL is not readily available, which is often although it is not always readily available at or within mdui:InformationURL
  • Service provider - From md:OrganizationDisplayName, expandable to md:OrganizationName, and leading to md:OrganizationURL
  • Status* - Currently, it could be a mashup of SIRTFI and CoCo status, but the reported curated values should be based on service lifecycle status (development,  pilot, transition, operational, retired) or a subset of EOSC Profile resource statuses
  • Service category* - Could start from the value of saml:Attribute Name="http://macedir.org/entity-category", but should move to curated values from a limited (not too fine-grained) vocabulary
  • Contacts - Available values of md:ContactPerson contactType="technical"/"administrative"/"support"; could be curated by checking for responsivenes
  • More service info - Link to localised mdui:InformationURL; could be curated by checking for meaningfulness
  • Privacy policy - Link to localised mdui:PrivacyStatementURL; could be curated by checking for meaningfulness
  • Used SAML attributes - Requested and required attributes from md:RequestedAttribute
  • License info* - Needs to be elaborated, it could come from a very limited vocabulary or be a binary selector of Commercial/Non-commercial or Restricted/Public or Subscription-based/Free type
  • Since (first seen) - From the available metadata history
  • Last updated - From the available metadata history

The items marked with * are not readily available and need to be agreed upon.  In addition, there is the additional metadata that would require a more thorough discussion

  • GDPR-safe - This must be carefully defined; it should not be treated as being GDPR audited, but rather as lightly curated for having a superficially meaningful Privacy Notice and being from a GDPR-safe country
  • Target users - From a limited vocabulary and with a limited number of values, where the one is the primary one
  • Hotness - This could be based on eduGAIN F-ticks or the number of views in the registry or some combined formula. The problem is that any automatically generated value could be easily artificially elevated.
  • Sourced from - Nice to have, particular if a missing Registrar would not be substituted with this as closest related information
  • No labels