GÉANT Plus Value Proposition


Offering  The service allows NRENs to request point-to-point Ethernet circuits between end-points at GÉANT points-of-presence (PoPs) and to North America. The NRENs then provide onward connectivity within their regional network to the required end-destinations.
Reason to Act

Many performance critical services require performance levels that cannot be easily met by shared IP services. In particular data center backup and replication, real-time mission critical services and broadcast quality video need traffic isolation that dedicated circuits offer.

However multi-national circuits are typically expensive, have long lead times for delivery and tie the user in to long service contracts.

GÉANT Plus provides a simple answer to this: short delivery time and no additional cost providing existing interfaces are used

Customer ExperienceThe GÉANT Plus service allows user access to point-to-point circuits of between 100Mbps and 10Gbps across an existing pre-provisioned network, combining the advantages of dedicated circuits, delivered quickly (10 days on an existing interface) and at no additional cost (to the GÉANT IP subscription)
 BenefitsFlexible: Point-to-Point (PoP-to-PoP) capacity delivered from 100Mbps to 10Gbps

Robust: same award winning levels of support and resilience offered by the GÉANT network

Fast Delivery: only 10 days to deliver (on an existing interface).

Extended footprint: available to all GÉANT NRENs and North America

Cost Effective: No additional costs to setup a point-to-point circuit with GÉANT Plus


Delivered at no additional costs on an existing interface.

If delivered on a new interface, standard interface prices apply.

Interface prices are available here: https://services.geant.net/plm/connectivity/Shared%20Documents/GN3-13-073_Cost_Sharing_Special_Resolution_NRENPC_Copenhagen_GEANT%20Network%20Port%20Pricing%20v1.0.pdf


Delivery time:

10 days on an existing interface    

10 weeks on a new interface

 AlternativesMulti-national circuits are typically expensive

Cheaper (offered at no additional cost)

Simpler (provided by GÉANT directly)

Flexible (100Mbps to 10Gbps)

Delivered in 10 days

 Engagement Users are regularly enquired about their satisfaction by the GÉANT Partner Relations Team and they have opportunities to provide feedback through the Services and Technology Forum organised regularly.




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