The following information describes how we manage the online presence for GÉANT Task Forces and SIGs.

1.The main point of entry for all Task Forces and SIGs is the website.  All TFs and SIGs should be listed at:
2.All TFs and SIGs have a wiki space on  Groups are encouraged to use a similar look and feel where possible - TF-Storage Task Force - Storage  and SIG-ISM Home are great examples.  The wiki spaces should be used as open collaborative spaces for the group in question and should only be limited access for security reasons or where sensitive information is being discussed.
3.Certain groups MAY identify a need for a website as well as a wiki space. There should be a good reason for this - for example the need to communicate a lot of information that is direct-to-reader and not collaborative in nature, the need to manage services within TFs and SIGs, the need for a professional look and feel for certain outputs, the need to run large events which transcend the scope of a wiki space etc.  This is not supposed to be exhaustive, but shows reasons why a separate site might be needed.  At the moment, it is expected that CSIRT will have a web presence and other groups will  use the wiki.
4. TF / SIG websites will be run on wordpress and where possible use the same theme with an agreed format for GÉANT logo, font, colour scheme etc.  This will be confirmed shortly.  In the future a full theme for wordpress may be commissioned.   Other GÉANT tools (e.g. eventr) will be used in conjunction with these sites.
5. All TFs and SIGs are very supportive of developing a central repository for documents / presentations from meetings that can be used instead of embedding presentations within sites and where good metadata for outputs can be developed.  Further direction on how to do this is welcomed
6.All TFs and SIGs have their own Chairs and Steering Committees and the wishes and directions of these people should always be taken into consideration.  The purpose of these groups is to be community focused and these communities may wish to grow in directions we don't anticipate.  This should not be stifled.