SIG-Marcomms will get together to share ideas, experiences and best practices in September 2018, hosted by FCCN|FCT in Lisbon, Portugal.

Venue address & instructions on hotels and how to get there will soon be added.

Registration is full! 

Travel and hotel information.

ALMOST FINAL AGENDA - some timings and sequence may be subject to change


26 Sep
12:00 -13:30LUNCH at venueKindly provided by FCT|FCCN

13:30-13:40Welcome, introductions and agendaLonneke Walk (SURFnet - Chair)
& Laura Durnford (GÉANT - Secretary)
13:40-14:00FCCN welcome and marketing insightsSalomé Branco (FCCN) 

14:00-15:20NREN UPDATES

Belnet MarcommsLaetitia Lagneau (BELNET)

DeiC update (TBD 10-15 mins))Gitte Kudsk (DeiC)

6 months in RENAM MarComms: challenges and practice (10 mins)Olga Popcova (RENAM)

The impact of EaPConnect on the development of ASNET-AM's Marketing (10)Naira Kocharyan (ASNET-AM) TBC

15:10-15:25COFFEE / TEA / EMAILSKindly provided by FCT|FCCN


TOPIC Defining strategy

Marcomms strategy for GÉANT/NREN

Case study: SURF strategy work

Case study: Thoughts on developing a new strategy

2 Cases from FCCN

Workshop: LITNET - Developing a strategy

CHAIR: Gitte Kudsk - Steering Committee

Lajos Balint

Lonneke Walk

Laura Durnford

Rui Ribeiro & Anabela Ventura

Neringa Jackevice

17:20-18:10Tour of FCCN facilitiesALL  
18:10 to DInnertime (question)Hotel check-in   
 Evening (TIME TBC) Restaurant has been booked by FCCN but for everyone to pay their own costs. Confirmation emails to be sent.  

27 Sep
09:15-09:30ARRIVAL, EMAILS   
09:30-10:10Proposal: A community document repository - pro and cons of ZenodoDaniel Wustenberg (GÉANT - via VC)

10:10-10:30Proposal: an integrated, interactive global network map - idea for feedbackTom Fryer (GÉANT - via VC)

10:30-10:45COFFEE / TEA & emailsKindly provided by FCT|FCCN

10:45-10:50Informal welcomeJoão Nuno Ferreira (FCCN)

10:50-11:00A new approach to the GÉANT web presenceRosanna Norman (GÉANT)


TOPIC Internal communications - part 1

Game 1

How do you do internal comms? (30 mins round table discussion)

Jisc Internal Comms (30 mins)

CHAIR: Lonneke Walk


Rebecca Whitehead (Jisc - via VC)

12:15-13:00LUNCH AND EMAILSKindly provided by FCT|FCCN


TOPIC Internal communications - part 2

Game 2

Workshop - group discussions on specific assignments (1 hour)

CHAIR: Lonneke Walk

14:20-14:40Institution communications and challengesInes Crespo (Roslin Institute)

14:40-15:00COFFEE / TEA / EMAILSKindly provided by FCT|FCCN


TOPIC What's the most effective way to get a response to your call to action with print / online materials?


Introduction (10 mins)

Group discussions (1 h 10)

Reports back to the whole group (15 mins)

Final discussion whole group (10 mins)

 CHAIR: Maria Ristkok  

Short presentation

Bring a branded giveaway gift to celebrate 15 years of the group!

Lonneke, Maria, Laura and Gitte


17:30-17:35day wrap upLonneke  
Evening Time & location TBCDinner for all participants. (Main course fish (risotto porcini for vegetarians))Kindly provided by FCT|FCCN
28 Sep
09:15-09:30ARRIVALS, EMAILS   

TOPIC Digital engagement - how to use colleagues in social media

Colleagues who blurt - pros, cons and how to take advantage

Employee advocacy

Research into colleague activities and impacts (TBC)

How to get credits, provide guidelines etc.

Business Canvas, LinkedIn profile updates

Gaslamp, Sprout and specific tools

CHAIR: Laura Durnford

Rebecca Whitehead (Jisc - via VC)

Gitte Kudsk (DeiC)

Dimple Sokartara (GÉANT)

Rebecca Whitehead (Jisc)

Lonneke Walk (SURFnet)

Rebecca Whitehead (Jisc)

11:10-11:25COFFEE / TEA & EMAIL TIMEKindly provided by FCT|FCCN


GÉANT Project updates

Planning for the next phase – GN4-3 (15 mins)

Clouds (10 mins)

GLAD updates & training opportunities (35 mins)

Rosanna Norman (GÉANT)

Maria Ristkok, EENET, HITSA

Irina Mikhailava (GÉANT)


OPEN SPACE SESSION - challenges / successes

bring your stories!!

13:00-13:15Meeting feedbackEveryoneSurvey
13:15-13:25Meeting review, next meeting, wrap upLonneke

13:25-14:00LUNCHKindly provided by FCT|FCCN  


If you have ideas for topics for future meetings, please contact or add them into the agenda suggestions page. If you would like to host a future meeting, please let Laura know!