
10:00 CEST. 


Discussion items

30 minutesGeneral UpdatesAll
15 minutesRepository Nicole / Nathalie / Daniel
15 minutesNREN attendance / meeting locationsAll
Next Meeting6th September 201809:00 BST / 10:00 CEST <----- Nicole will look to make later for those arriving back at horrible hours.

General Updates

MSP: registrations is good, everything is on plan.  AMRES supporting well. Sigita will be attending and presenting. 
NOC: meeting will be at the end of November aligned with NGN.  Steering Committee calls going well. Working on a plan for SIG-NOC training. 
NGN: aligned with NOC.  Difficulty getting engagement from the SC and problems with getting focus. 
CLAW: infoshare to explain better what we are doing.  20th September.
PMV: registration is not good and Kurt can't attend.
Marcomms: limited response over the summer. Zenodo is on the agenda. 
NPAPW: beginning 2019.  Still don't have a payment process. Need to raise this to exec level.
SIG-CISS: prep is going well.  16th November at DFN.  Packed agenda!  3rd SIG-CISS meeting.


Need to be able to get stuff out of the repository if relying on a third party tool. 
Annabel has added this in the next GN4 project phase as a broader "GÉANT tool".
Can we get this to work to say produce results for the reporting.
Need a requirements document that outlines the basic requirements.  Buy-in is essential or this will float away.
Need to define a workflow and document to describe it.
Possible options: do nothing, Zenodo, Sharepoint repository, Confluence (unlikely).  Nicole has discussed Sharepoint and Confluence with Robert.

TF and SIG Attendance / Location

We don't know the finance rules for people attending.
Can we use the emerging NREN programme?
Need some raw data from eventr / insight to get a better idea of who hasn't been attending and where the meetings have happened. 

Eastern partnership now regularly attending Marcomms.

Need some more internal promotion and make sure that we are linking in to the "other" EC projects in GÉANT.

Set of data to use for the partner relations meetings.

Do more surveys within the meetings themselves and share back. 

Action items