eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday 5th March 2019, 17:30 - 18:30 CET (in your timezone)

Please Note that the above time is CONFIRMED.

16:15 UTC
17:15 CET

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see Connection Details)

16:30 UTC
17:30 CET

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

16:45 UTC
17:45 CET

Membership Updates and Joining
    • 60 participant members / 4 members / 11 candidates
    • New Members (1)
      • Turkey (participating)
    • Candidates Under Assessment (1)
      • China/CARSI (to be scheduled)
    • New Candidates (2)
      • Sri Lanka/LIAF
      • Malta/RicerkaNet Identity Federation
17:00 UTC
18:00 CET

eduGAIN "raising the bar"

17:15 UTC
18:15 CET

Future SG Meetings

  • Conflict/Changes to 2019 meeting dates/times?
  • Next meeting @ Tuesday 25th September 2018 via VC
17:20 UTC
18:20 CET

Any other business, Summary and Actions.

17:30 UTC
18:30 CET

Meeting Close.

Connection Details


Federations in Attendance (xx)

  1. *

*Not a member.

Attendees (xx)

  1. Brook Schofield, GÉANT
  2. ...

Apologies (xx)

  1. ...


Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

The Chair welcomed everyone to the 1st meeting of 2019.

See the Open Actions & Previous Meeting notes.

Membership Updates and Joining

Turkey/YETKIM is now a participant in eduGAIN.

There are 11 candidate federations, one (1) of which are currently under assessment:

For details on new members and candidates see and work on progressing new members is underway.

eduGAIN "raising the bar"

The eduGAIN Compliance Issues wiki page has been to be updated ...

Future meetings

The next meeting is proposed to take place on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 via VC (14:00-15:0 CET).

AoB and Close

No other business was raised.