eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday 30th January 2017, 14:00 - 15:30 CET (in your timezone)

Please Note that the above time is CONFIRMED.

13:45 CET

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see Connection Details)
14:00 CET

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

  • Open Actions.
  • Membership updates and information.
    • Status of Uganda/RIF vote
14:15 CET

Hanging Issues for Members and Participants

14:30 CETROBOT Attack Shannon Roddy
14:45 CETRevision of the eduGAIN Policy Framework
  • SAML WebSSO Profile - Nicole Harris
  • Grace period for current eduGAIN members
  • What's left?
15:00 CET

Any other Business

Future SG Meetings

  • Conflict/Changes to 2018 meeting dates/times?
  • Next meeting @ APAN45 - Tuesday March 27th 13:30 Singapore Time

15:15 CET

Summary, Actions and Close (or we're running over time).

15:30 CET

Meeting Close

Connection Details


Federations in Attendance (21)

  1. COFRe
  2. RIF
  3. FÉR
  4. InCommon
  5. DFN
  6. SIR
  7. TAAT
  9. CAF
  10. RCTSaai
  12. SWITCHaai
  13. AAI@EduHR
  14. SWAMID
  16. IRANet
  17. SGAF
  18. AAF
  19. LEAF
  20. IIF
  21. Belnet Federation

Attendees (28)

  1. Brook Schofield, GÉANT
  2. Casper Dreef, GÉANT
  3. Nicole Harris, GÉANT
  4. Alejando Lara, REUNA/COFRe
  5. Alex Mwotil, RENU/RIF
  6. Anass Chabli, RENATER/FÉR
  7. Ann West, InCommon
  8. Nick Roy, InCommon
  9. Shannon Roddy, InCommon
  10. Wolfgang Pempe, DFN
  11. José-Manuel Macías, RedIRIS/SIR
  12. Sten Aus, EENet / TAAT (Estonia)
  13. Guy Halse (SAFIRE/TENET)
  14. Chris Phillips, CANARIE/CAF
  15. Esmarelda Pires, RCTSaai
  16. Jiri Borik,
  17. Lukas Hämmerle, SWITCHaai
  18. Marina Adomeit, GN4-2
  19. Miroslav Milinovic, AAI@EduHR
  20. Pål Axelsson, SWAMID
  21. Stefan Winter, RESTENA/
  22. Saeed Khademi, IRANet
  23. Simon Green, SGAF
  24. Terry Smith, AAF
  25. Valentino Pocotilenco, LEAF
  26. Zivan Yoash, IUCC/IIF
  27. Pascal Panneels, Belnet Federation
  28. Andi Malaj, Albania/RASH

Apologies (2)


Current status - New members and candidates: See and work on progressing new members is underway.

Future meetings: