Overall goals and approach of Pilots in AARC


The Pilots activity aims at facilitating researchers by providing the access management tools and framework to support collaborative research in a distributed environment. To this end, in this activity we demonstrate through (pre-) production services that:


The approach consists of deploying existing components as discussed with and identified by JRA1 and to integrate a selection of these components according to a common architecture that has been drafted in JRA1. To this purpose we established a stable pilot environment with solutions to be tried and assessed by stakeholders of the research communities. A more detailed description of the aims and approach of the pilots activity is available here: Specify the work to be undertaken in collaboration with JRA1 and NA3
As of June 2016, a number of deliverables and milestones documents from AARC architecture and the AARC policy harmonisation activities are available that guide the pilot work in this activity:

Pilots performed 

As of March 2017, a large number of pilots have been prepared and lined up as part of the AARC SA1 activity. We assessed the suitability of many different components to handle common issues experienced in R&E. Topics range from handling guest users, managing attributes, to performing token translations. A detailed overview of all components piloted is available here: 

Expanding the reach of federated access


Check this flyer with a general overview of the pilots: <Click library pilots pdf leaflet> and give us feedback via this online survey 

Guest access

Testing technical and policy components

Attribute management - <Click attribute management pdf leaflet>

TTS pilots

 Enabling access to (commercial) 3rd party 

Cross infrastructure pilots

This presentation provides a high-level overview and some highlights of the results achieved in this activity: