e-Researcher-Centric Policies - develop the policy framework for communities, providing recommendations for baseline “policy profiles” for users, communities and identity providers, and, through such harmonisation, will reduce the “policy silos” that hinder interoperation. The policy profiles will be defined in close interaction with European and global stakeholders, specifically the e-infrastructures and research infrastructures, so that in the AAI ecosystem every participant is able to rely on well-defined predictable behaviour by the other participants in the infrastructure.

Acceptable Use Policy Development

AUP Alignment Study

Security for Collaborating Infrastructures Trust Framework says: "Each infrastructure has the following: ... An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) addressing at least the following areas: defined acceptable and non-acceptable use, user registration, protection and use of authentication and authorisation credentials, data protection and privacy, disclaimers, liability and sanctions" (SCI Version 2 section 6). The AARC2 AUP alignment study aims to draft a common minimum, or 'baseline', AUP text to satisfy these requirements thereby facilitating rapid community infrastructure ‘bootstrap’, easing the trust of users across an infrastructure and providing a consistent and more understandable enrolment for users as users move between communities and project. More information can be found at the links below.

Baseline AUP draft text and implementers guide

The current draft of the WISE Baseline AUP is available as a Google document here - WISE Baseline AUP template v1.3.

A draft of the implementors guide for the AUP (AARC-I044, to which comments are welcome) is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tGghpHCKTu8sTO1wNrJBXXfD0N1XDAmFTn9b8t6wzPE.
For immediate use by the infrastructures, you can find a (preliminary) formatted document here.

AARC2 NA3 team working text, including active comments and version history, is stored here. (Please see the stored Version History for the recent evolution of this text.)

Baseline AUP study input

Community/InfrastructurePolicy LinkComment

Acceptable Use Policy of BBMRI-ERIC Services

Harmonised Access Procedure to Samples and Data

European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures

Received from Petr Holub (15/1/18)
CTSC (template policy)Acceptable Use Policy TemplateLinked from Guide to Developing Cybersecurity Programs for NSF Science and Engineering Projects as google doc.
DAFNI (UKRI)RCUK_AcceptableUseICTSystemsServices.pdfDownloaded from STFC homepages 1 November 2014

Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use

Linked from EGI Approved Security Policies

Also now at AARC Acceptable Use Policy (JSPG Evolved version)

ELIXIR Acceptable Usage Policy and Conditions of UseBased on the Acceptable Usage Policy of EGI, March 2015.
EUDATEUDAT Services Terms of Use Linked from EUDAT homepage footer
HBP collaboratoryTerms and Conditions for ServiceVersion 1, released on 30 March 2016
OSG ConnectOpen Science Grid User Acceptable Use PolicyLinked from OSG Security Policies
PracePRACE Acceptable Use Policy (Sept 2014)Downloaded from 2014-09-08-PRACE-Acceptable-Use-Policy.pdf

Model Acceptable Use Policy for employees

Model Acceptable Use Policy for students

Links provided by Alf Moens (8/2/18)
XSEDEXSEDE Acceptable Use PolicyLinked from XSEDE documentation web pages

Baseline AUP presentations and other materials

Inventory of high-assurance identity requirements from the AARC2 use cases

This document and the associated Wiki page provide an inventory of currently identified use-cases where there is a requirement that the identity of a user accessing data or using a system or an instrument is assured with higher confidence than provided by an identification consistent with the REFEDS Assurance Framework “Cappuccino” assurance profile.

Identified use-cases come from the life sciences domain, driven by legal restrictions on the processing of human personal data. Assurance requirements include the use of multi-factor authenticators and improved “freshness” of the user’s affiliation.

Milestone Document AARC2-MNA3.5 (submitted Jan 2018) referencing wiki page with requirements identified from use-cases. Futher requirments may be added if identified during the project.

Assurance Frameworks

The e-Researcher task also contributes to the Assurance Framework activities in REFEDS (the REFEDS Assurance Framework RAF), the RAF Piloting activities, and the inter-infrastructure exchange of assurance profiles

Other NA3.3 work items and documents