I was wondering if it would be possible to run parts of the TERENA Secretariat office network on IPv6 only.
Our office has a /24 IPv4 and a /48 IPv6 network since 2003, and all our public services are available on IPv4 and IPv6.
Since we have native IPv6 connectivity in our office, it seems that the first step would be to remove IPv4 from services that are only used internally.
This page keeps track of progress, bugs, and issues.

BTW, this is not the first time this has been tried out. For instance Arkko & Keranen did some interesting work in 2010.

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Our primary file server runs Samba on IPv6 only (smile)
After the last Mac was upgraded to Lion I silently removed IPv4, and nobody even noticed (tongue)

Removed A record for samba.terena.org
Hardcoded the IPv6 address in smb.conf:
bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces = 2001:610:148:beef::132/64


All linux servers run PostgreSQL on IPv6 only

Configure "listen_address = '::'" in postgresql.conf. This is not documented (yet).


HP Printer IPv6 only (smile)

Upgraded Laserjet 4250 with new print server, removed A record for hp4250-1.terena.org


Host ldap.terena.org IPv6 only (smile)

Removed IPv4 address and A record

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="518449d8-976a-4b4c-b472-3cebaf605b20"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


Nagios web interface only reachable on IPv6

Configure Listen [2001:610:158:98d::42]:80 in /etc/apache/ports.conf



Host svn.terena.org IPv6 only (smile)

Removed IPv4 address and A record


All linux servers run Postfix on IPv6 only (except listed MXs)

Remove IPv4 addresses from $mynetworks, and set "inet_protocols = ipv6"


All linux servers managed by SSH via IPv6 only

Configure "ListenAddress ::" or "AddressFamily inet6" in sshd_config


All linux servers use only IPv6 resolvers

Only list IPv6 addresses in /etc/resolv.conf:

nameserver 2001:610:148:dead::4
nameserver 2001:610:158:98d::42
domain terena.org


VPN supports IPv6

A new VPN setup: Cisco AnyConnect. Clients get an IPv4 and an IPv6 address from the office pools, so they can access all services via IPv6

MacOSX Lion & Cisco AnyConnect

Late July 2011 Apple released version 10.7 of their OSX operating system, named Lion. This version has several major IPv6 related improvements, the most important I think is DHCPv6 support. This means that it is now possible to successfully run a Mac in an IPv6 only environment without any configuration.
Unfortunately for us AnyConnect has a serious bug on Lion, namely that there is no default gateway being configured for IPv6 upon connection.
Since we have several IPv6 only services these days, this is a true show stopper (sad)
What makes it worse it that the smbd in Lion has IPv6 support, and because our Windows 7 computers already support SMB via IPv6, this means that we could make our Samba server IPv6 only. But since AnyConnect does not work, this is not (yet) an option...
The issue has been reported already to Cisco and is filed as CSCts11510 (login required).
Rumour has it that a fix is available soon, so let's just keep our fingers crossed!
Update: As of 29 September 2011, AnyConnect 3.0.4235 fixes the problems! Now all my users can have IPv6 again from everywhere (smile)

Specific issues

Name resolution

To avoid name resolution problems, it was sometimes necessary to copy to the legacy entries to ::1 in the /etc/hosts file:       localhost       ldap.terena.org ldap

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ldap.terena.org ldap

On IPv6 only hosts, there is no IPv4 address configured on the network interface, so obviously all communications will go via IPv6.
There is still an IPv4 address ( sitting on the loopback interface lo. It's doesn't hurt but it should not be there if the host were to be truly IPv6 only (wink)
I could not find anywhere in /etc where this address get added.
Since I can prevent it from getting added, I removed it after it gets added, by hacking configuring /etc/network/interfaces:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet6 loopback
        pre-up ip addr del dev lo

This seems to work fine, only now ntp dumps core, but that has been fixed as of 17 April 2011.


Skype does not support IPv6 at all. EPIC FAIL!!!! Please everybody VOTE FOR IPv6.
FYI the first request for IPv6 enabled Skype date back to 2004!!

Cisco Catalyst 3750

This switch does not support IPv6 access lists on VLANs. Needs replacing in 2011 anyway. New box might support NAT64?

Cisco AP1200

These access points do not support IPv6. Need replacing anyway. The AIR-AP1142N-E-K9 could be a drop-in replacement. Also does N.

Sharp AR-M276

This copier/printer does not support IPv6 at all.
Could not retrieve e-mail addresses for 'scan to email' after LDAP server went IPv6 only. Hack Work-around: manually put addresses in.
Our big Sharp MX2600n has IPv6 support, so we should get rid of this clunker on the first occasion.

Google Mini

This box does not support IPv6. Needs replacing in 2011 anyway, but don't forget to check!!

Axis Q1755 web cam

Can be configured to do IPv6, but only PING works (sad)
Investigate further.

Sharp MX-2600N printer

After enabling IPv6 on our Sharp MX2600N printer, the network stack actually works, but only a couple of services are running IPv6:

root@expat:~# nmap -6 2001:610:148:beef::134

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-03-01 10:31 CET
Interesting ports on 2001:610:148:beef::134:
Not shown: 996 closed ports
21/tcp  open  ftp
23/tcp  open  telnet
515/tcp open  printer
631/tcp open  ipp

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.29 seconds

This is in stark contrast to what runs on IPv4:

root@expat:~# nmap --system-dns

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-03-01 10:35 CET
Interesting ports on sharp-mx2600n.terena.org (
Not shown: 991 closed ports
21/tcp    open  ftp
23/tcp    open  telnet
80/tcp    open  http
443/tcp   open  https
515/tcp   open  printer
631/tcp   open  ipp
5900/tcp  open  vnc
9100/tcp  open  jetdirect
50001/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.37 seconds

Now I'm trying to find out how to print using IPP from Windows 7.


Some tests indicate the Ecdysis works well.
Also, they presented at our own conference last year (wink)
Take into consideration!

PECL radius

IPv6 doesn't work. Needed for TERENA web site. (tick) Update 2011-03-01: by upgrading Pear_Auth, Pear Live_User was able to use LDAP (via IPv6), without the Radius overhead.


MySQL at this moment does not support IPv6 connections, but the development versions seem to support it (sort of). There are tools to make it work, such as https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/IPv6CARE.
Not A Problem Here: we have only one host running MySQL, and that will be phased out in the future any way.


security.ubuntu.com does not work, so no security updates. Workaround: use local mirror nl.archive.ubuntu.com for security updates.

Pear Net_Socket

Does not like IPv6 addresses, wrote patch.


Confluence and JIRA LDAP auth via IPv6

Authentication on dual stack LDAP servers does not work. Using an IPv6-only hostname does work. For us this works, because our LDAP server is IPv6 only.


Cannot use IPv6 LDAP server. Filed support ticket at Open.com.au. Fixed as of 2011-02-12. Also make sure to add flags to any custom perl hooks:
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new('ldap://ldap.terena.org',inet6=>1);.
We use Radiator for our Eduroam set-up. Our instance (radius.terena.org is connected upstream to SURFnet's radius servers.
I worked together with SURFnet to do some IPv6 debugging, and since 12 April 2011 the TERENA-SURFnet radius connection is using only IPv6 (smile)
In the next months we will be participating in a Eduroam-as-a-service pilot. This would mean our current (IPv4 only) Cisco AP1200's would not need to connect any more.
That would leave our Cisco ASA5505s as the only IPv4 radius clients.
If Cisco fixes that, then radius.terena.org can become IPv6 only as well.


This is a custom email list manager, running on Erasmus. 2 lists were doing queries to ldap.terena.org. Unfortunately the Net::LDAP in Ubuntu Hardy (libnet-ldap-perl) is too old and does not recognise the inet6 paramater. Hacked Fixed by copying /usr/share/perl5/Net/LDAP.pm from a Lucid box.


Nmap only recognizes IPv6 resolvers by specifying "--system-dns"


Name resolution does not work with IPv6 only name servers

Exact Globe 2003

This financial software package runs on Windows 2003 Server, which supports IPv6.
It also requires Microsoft SQL Server, and the version we run (SQL Server 2005) seems to speak IPv6 as well.
So based on that it looks like it could work.
However, after more close inspection it does not look too encouraging:

Having a software package on a dedicated Windows server, with a dedicated SQL server is quite some overhead, so I was interested in their new web based product Exact Online.
The Exact Online web site (surprise surprise) can't be reached via IPv6. But if everything is just running through HTTP(S), then a NAT64/DNS64 solution might make things work.


Upgrade to 4.2.8 or later to get IPv6 going.

EMS PostgresQL/MySQL manager

Tunneling via SSH does not work. Native Postgres connections work, so the bug must be in sshfwd.dll.
Confirmed by EMS, but not yet fixed.
Work-around was to not use SSH tunneling anymore, but directly connecting to the database server. Have set up proper rules in pg_hba.conf.
Since the cryptographic shield of SSH was now gone, I have configured all non-local entries in pg_hba.conf to force SSL, such as:

# Erasmus
hostssl all all 2001:610:148:dead::2/128    password


Works, but some weird things: I had some repositories checked out with TurtoiseSVN, using my SSH keys from Putty/Pageant. Any actions on the repository started to have a really long delay after switching off IPv4 on the subversion server. Fixed after using the right repository URL format, in my case using the Putty session name instead of the host name. This session has everything set properly already. In my case the hostname is svn.terena.org, and the PuTTY session name is svn.

Windows Remote Desktop Client

The "Remote Desktop client" in Windows 7 (mstsc.exe) has some weird behavior. An RDP connection to a Windows 7 computer using a hostname that only has a AAAA record takes 11 seconds. mstsc.exe does an A query first, gets back a No such name, then wait 11 seconds, then asks for and receives the AAAA record, and then immediately connects. |


We use this excellent tool to create and install iptables/ip6tables scripts on our Ubuntu hosts.
FWBuilder is the tool for easy, understandable, object based firewalls.
We have a commercial license because I wanted the Windows version, but I think it's worth every penny. Linux versions are GPL though.
There is a bug in the batch installer that makes it choke on IPv6 only hosts, but that is fixed as of 2011-04-27, in build 3532.
Friendly developer, and very responsive. Has fixed numerous corner cases that I have run into.

Mac OS X


2011-07-20 OSX Lion finally supports DHCPv6 (smile) Now autoconfiguration can work!


CIFS client on Mac OS X does not support IPv6. Unable to file bug report due to lame web site ("An error has occurred. Please report the error to Apple Inc. by emailing the error detail to devbugs@apple.com.").
CIFS via IPv6 works in Lion. After upgrading all the Macs to Lion I can make our Samba server IPv6-only (smile)


CyberDuck does not work with IPv6 hostnames. Use either literal IPv6 address, or IPv6-only host name godzilla.ipv6.terena.org.
Fixed in 4.0

To Do