eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

23rd March 2021 12:00 UTC / 13:00 Amsterdam: In your time zone

11:45 UTC

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see  Connection Details)

12:00 UTC

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

Terry Smith, AAF, Chair
12:10 UTC

Membership Updates and Joining

  • KRENA/Kyrgystan
  • Bangladesh/TIGERfed
Casper Dreef, Secretariat
12:15 UTC

Team Updates

  • Operations Team
  • Support Team
  • F-Ticks
Davide Vaghetti, IDEM, Service owner
12:30 UTC

Team updates: Security team

  • Working Group updates
Security Team
13:00 UTCRe-imaging eduGAIN

Nicole Harris, GÉANT

13:25 UTC

Future SG meetings, Any other business, Summary and Actions

13:30 UTC

Meeting Close

Connection Details


Federations in Attendance (XX)

  1. ...

Attendees (XX)

  1. ...

Apologies (xx)


Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

Open actions

Membership Updates and Joining

KRENA/Kyrgystan update:
Bangladesh/TIGERfed update:

Team Updates

Operation team:

Support team:


Team updates Security team:

Re-imaging eduGAIN

Future SG Meetings, Any other business, Summary and Actions

Any Other Business: 

Future SG meetings 2021:

23 March 12:00 UTC
15 June 07:00 UTC
14 September 16:30 UTC
14 December 12:00 UTC