Audience: IT running and managing large scale Moodle system, DevOps, system administrators

Date: Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Time: 10:00 - 14:00 CEST (check your local time zone)

Hosts: Nadav Kavalerchik (IUCC)


After an intensive year of accelerated online learning, we are gathered to share information, success stories, challenges and solution from IT perspective of running and managing large scale Moodle system. The webinar will include a list of short presentation (20min each) from different institutions that will share best practice about running large scale Moodle systems, including ideas about improving system performances, server architectures, managing course, supporting users, system upgrades and security considerations.

After each presentation we will have a short (10min) Q&A.

TBD: We will end the webinar with an official speaker from Moodle HQ, talking about the future plans and roadmap of Moodle considering support for features relevant for large scale systems. (30min)

You are all welcome to join the daily discussion and shared information on our Telegram group:

The webinar will be recorded and later shared on the GÉANT website event page and wiki.

Registration (CLOSED) 


Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Timing (CET)

Topic / Talkpresentationvideo recording

Lobby: Preparation, come and meet the organizers over a cup of coffee and test your audio and video

5 min

Welcome and introduction

Task Force - Educational Services and Activities (TF-EDU) & managing large scale Moodle systems.

Host: Nadav Kavalerchik

20 min + 10 min Q&A
Running Moodle at ARNES (Slovenia)
Speaker:  Martin Božič
PresentationVideo recording
20 min + 10 min Q&A
Running Moodle at University College London (UK)
Speaker:  Alistair Spark

Video recording
20 min + 10 min Q&A
Running Idaho State University Moodle on AWS (USA)
Speaker:  Michael Spall

5 min
Briefly presenting the Moodle Àgora project (XTEC)
11:45-12:00Quick break with continued conversation in main room

20 min + 10 min Q&A

Running on Kubernetes (Moodle HQ)

Speaker: Eduard Cercos 

PresentationVideo recording
20 min + 10 min Q&A

Running Moodle at the Israeli Ministry of Education

Speaker: Avi Levi

PresentationVideo recording
20 min + 10 min Q&A

Running Moodle at CARNET (Croatia)

Speaker: Michael Ruder Rapajic

PresentationVideo recording

General discussion, conclusion and next steps

Host: Nadav Kavalerchik