The Task Force on Applied Media in Teaching and Learning builds on the mature relationship between NRENs and HEIs in Europe. It is established under the auspices of the TERENA Technical Programme to collect and share ideas, knowledge and experiences on how to support media applied to pedagogical (e-learning) as well as to research/scientific purposes.

Fro more information check out the TF-Media website.

TF-Media Open Educational Resource (metadata) portal pilot


There is a large interest around the world in establishing and maintaining national (as well as multi-national) learning object repositories as exemplified by the number of existing repositories, organizations building and sustaining them, contributors integrating learning objects in repositories, and users of these learning objects. The fundamental reasons are: the growing educational demands in all countries, the limited capacity of face to face education to fulfill the demand in a timely manner, the effort and cost involved to build multimedia learning materials, and the new possibilities offered by the Internet.

While it is a fact that millions of materials can be found on the Internet using search engines like Google, there is no guarantee that a query will lead to trustable material on which high quality education can be built. Not to mention copyright and licensing issues. Well managed learning object repositories that aggregate high quality content offer a solution to this problem. TERENA TF-Media group focuses on multimedia learning object repositories only.



Connecting the World and Unlocking the Deep Web - Create a one-stop-shop (broker) for national learning resource organizations, each of them managing and/or federating one or more learning object repositories within the country. TERENA OER portal initiative addresses the gap between the national repositories and the emerging global repositories (e.g., GLOBE) by establishing an European level metadata repository (i.e. aggregation point) for the national repositories acting in the R&E community. The European level repository will be a metadata repository only, the content remains in its original content repository.

TERENA is willing to make a suite of online services and tools available to its members for the exchange of learning resources' metadata, and facilitates the access to the worldwide Open Community (i.e. GLOBE) guided by the following principles:



The expected benefits for the end-users (students and teachers) are as follows:

The pilot project milestones

  1. TERENA creates a European level, open source, metadata aggregation broker/portal that leaves the content (i.e. the objects) in its source domain and harvest the metadata from the national level up to the pan-European level. The portal might be hosted and operated by one or more TERENA member organizations.
  2. TF-Media defines the minimum requirements for a common metadata schema (e.g., 8 LOM fields) and the way how metadata can be harvested (e.g., OAI-PMH protocol)
  3. Start collecting metadata from the national repositories (primarily from NRENs participating in the pilot) and make them available via the TERENA portal.
  4. TERENA OER applies for the GLOBE membership.
  5. Potential service enhancements (e.g., Creative Common licensing), and value added components (e.g., integrated player, better user interface, representation of search targets).

Detailed milestones, timing, etc. to be defined.

List of interested participants


Q: What can be the role of an NREN?

A: To bring the learning resources' information (metadata only, not the object itself) at the higher (i.e. European) level.

Q: Why should the national repository join TERENA OER (i.e. what is the additional value of TEREAN)?

A: To step from the national level to the pan-European and later global (i.e. via GLOBE) level of aggregation. Create the critical mass.

Q: How can I convince lecturers to share their content?

A: Tell them not to share the whole lecture but just some chunks of it as a Learning Object. In return, they will be able to re-use LOs from other lecturers to enrich their presentation.Quality assured, licensed content.

Q: What is the actual Business Case for NRENs?

A: Universities use public money to create lecture content. Sharing, enriching and re-using the content made available by lecturers eventually spares time, efforts, and public money.

Q: What is the benefit of TERENA OER over Goole Search?

A: Deep search can be done on rich metadata that can find content that is most likely hided from Google Search or other web search engines.

Background materials

JISC Digital Repository InfoKIT

TERENA news item about inviting repositories to participate

List of related projects

Meeting minutes

1st VC Minutes (25 June 2012)

We've just had a very productive discussion about the practical steps of the TF-Media Open Educational Resource portal pilot.

Please find the recording at

We've kicked off the pilot with some initial agreements however, there are still many open questions and details that need to be clarified in the near future. Stay tuned!


25 June 2012 @ 14.00-15.45 CET

List of participants: Andy (SWITCH), Gytis (KUT), Nikos, Giannis (GRNET); Vicente (UVigo); Eli (IUCC); Jack (TAU); Peter (TERENA)

1) Vicente (UVigo) agreed to set up a test installation of DSpace and maybe PuMuKit on top.

2) Giannis (GRNET) agreed to set up a test installation of ARIADNE tools.

3) Eli (IUCC) agreed to set up a test installation of MAOR duplicate.


OPTION 2) In order to collect the metadata from the repositories participating in the pilot project the ARIADNE infrastructure and services ( could be used.

Credit: Giannis (GRNET)

2nd VC Minutes (21 September 2012)

We've just had the second very productive discussion about the practical steps of the TF-Media Open Educational Resource portal pilot. No recordings have been made.


21 September 2012 @ 11.00-12.30 CET.

List of participants: Zenon, Nikos, Giannis (GRNET); Carlos (UPV); Vicente (UVigo); Eli (IUCC); Jack (TAU); Peter (TERENA)

1.) MAOR-based pilot portal installation done by IUCC:*

2.) DSpace-based portal with PuMuKit at University of Vigo

3.) ARIADNE-based pilot portal installation done by GRNET:*

3rd VC Minutes (22 October 2012)

Date and time

Monday, 22 October 2013, at 10-12am CET

List of participants:

Zenon, Giannis (GRNET); Carlos (UPV); Vicente (Uni Vigo); Eli (IUCC); Peter (TERENA); Tiago (RNP); Antonio (ISEP); Yves (UPMC); Pantelis (Uni Athens)


Preliminary agenda:

  1. TERENA OER presentation at LAK (ISEP)
  2. ARIADNE update (GRNET)
  3. MAOR update (IUCC)
  4. Metadata harvesting from SWITCHcollection and others (TERENA)
  5. Metadata mini-survey (GRNET)
  6. AOB


Giannis wrote:

As we discussed during the last meeting I fully support the idea of combining the MAOR and ARIADNE technologies to set up the Terena OER portal. I see the following three options:
  1. The aggregation of the educational metadata could be performed at a national level following the approach of MAOR while ARIADNE technologies could be used to aggregate all the metadata records at an European/ global level. In this case MAOR instances will be harvested by ARIADNE and the Terena OER portal will be set up on the top of aggregated metadata.

  2. The ARIADNE based aggregator is used to harvest any available repository (open repositories with video content, youtube etc) and MAOR for national repositories. In this case we need to define how the different metadata schemas will be combined and presented in the Terena OER portal

  3. ARIADNE infra is used for harvesting, validating and transforming metadata from all national providers and  MAOR uses the harvested records for the portal functionalities. 
My proposal is to go for the 3rd option and set up an Ariadne labs proposal for this. Of course we can elaborate these ideas during next VM.

Eli wrote:

It is great to see that the Terena-OER initiative is in progress. In my opinion, we can consider a different approach for the Terena OER while supporting the idea of combining MAOR and ARIADNE to set the Terena OER portal. Hence, I suggest the following:
  1. Reaching a common definition of the metadata fields for the Terena-OER for all NRENs, Universities and content-provider involved, based on the LOM, the Dublin core, or similar standards. This will help us to create a common language for the metadata. This effort can be led by both ARIADNE and MAOR.

  2. To promote the development of the European educational portal for learning objects repository, Terena-OER portal. This portal will be one step above the national repository (NREN’s or University), and will be able to pull the Metadata to the central Terena-OER by harvesting, web services, OAI repository or batch upload. This will enable us to create the repository that suits the academic user with relevant learning object. The MAOR system can help to promote that stage, with a little modification and development, that can serve as an independent Terena-OER portal.  

  3. After we will have the Terena-OER Portal, with a significant number of our learning objects (recording courses, simulation, animation etc.), we will connect to the GLOBE/ARIADNE/OCW-C or to any global metadata repository. We can connect to those repositories by harvesting, federated search or SQI. It is also worth noting that today, repository such as GLOBE functions as federate of federations. I think that Terena-OER can, and should be a federation.

Steps no. 1 and 2 will help us to promote the project in a way that will be tailored to the Terena end user, NRENs and Universities. In the future, step no. 3 will help us to become a part of the global federation and to increase the number of the learning objects in the repository.

I think that the main difference between the processes and schemes suggested is the expected role of Terena-OER in them. At the beginning, Terena-OER should be the project that combines between the national NERNs in Europe, and in the second stage the project that will link to the international federated searches. Else, Terena-OER will assimilated in a vast repository (such as Ariadne) that includes different educational resources (academia, k-12 and other), without presenting unique features for the Terena end user.


1) What is the purpose of the TERENA OER portal initiative? (The motivation and the high-level architectural issue)

Fundamental questions must be clarified in a white paper about:


A paper must be drafted that summarizes the basic principles behind the TERENA OER portal initiative, gives a high-level view on the problem space in a European/global context, as well as define a common language, system architecture, and framework for recommendations. Potential issues must be addressed by the paper are:

The paper can then be agreed and presented at LAK2013 (April 2013, in Leuven Belgium) and TNC2013 (June 2013, in Maastricht, Netherlands)

ACTION 1 on Eli Shmueli (IUCC) to draft a paper (bullet points are sufficient to start with) and circulate it on the mailing list. Others are invited to contribute.

2) TERENA OER pilot implementation (The technical issue)

Proof of Concept metadata harvesting from SWITCHCollection to the MAOR test portal has been done.Look at the URL below:

Lessons learned: it is technically possible, but there are issues with both a) the metadata quality and b) the openness of content.

Other metadata to harvest:

The next steps we should take are:


A deep technical dialogue must be started among the portal technology developers (MAOR, ARIADNE), the national repository owners (SWITCHCollection, Campus do Mar, Kaunas University, etc.) and the university people representing the end-user community. The discussion should include topics as follows:

ACTION 2 on Peter Szegedi (TERENA) to Doodle for a technical meeting as soon as possible.


3) Mini-survey about metadata (The metadata issue)

Concerns have been shared by the attendees about the finding of good quality metadata, the willingness of content owners to improve metadata, and about the aggregation of metadata in an easy way.


University people participating in TF-Media must be our anchors in the community to figure out what's going on in this field at the national/institutional levels. What kind of metadta is generated, how that existing metadata can be exposed, what tools are there for aggregation/harvesting, etc.

ACTION 3 on Giannis Stoitsis (GRNET) to draft some questions for the mini-survey and circulate them on the mailing list. After agreement, the final set of questions can be sent to the national/institutional repository owners as well as to the academic community for gathering answers.

4th Technical VC preparation (16 November 2012)

List of Participants:
Giannis, Kostas (GRNET); Vicente (Uni Vigo); Eli (IUCC); Peter (TERENA)
